If you could please find out if he has any info any the realease dates of the games that would be cool. I'm sure Esteban would appreciate the help in his quest to find out any info on the release dates of games, and when they hit the shelves.
More Sarcasm, or an actual question? Are you asking for actual street dates for releases? As maybe having a vendor docket for game releases?
Comrade, Turboswimbz was looking out for me and was completely sincere, truly
BACKGROUND: Many other folks have been truly frustrated in an attempt to pin down release dates.
EVEN IF we can't determine the "actual date of release", I was hoping to at least confirm "earliest date of sale" that could be gleaned from old receipts. Sadly, I lost a lot of my own receipts and only a handful of receipts have ever been posted at the forum.
I am curious about the relationship between NEC/TTi and vendors, I would love to hear about every aspect, no matter how mundane:
(1) What was typical markup? What were the terms for new stock/old stock/returns?
(2) What were there pricing tiers (older titles vs. newer, HuCARD vs. CD)?
(3) I read that R-Type was expensive at launch because it was more costly to produce...how long before NEC dropped the price?
(4) How often did NEC send promotional material, if any?
(5) Did you order stock as needed, and what catalog/pricing list was referenced? DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE DOCUMENTS?
(6) Any titles/products that stand out (best/worst sellers)? For example, were you stuck with a dozen TurboSticks that nobody wanted? Was there a game title that sold well? Was there a game that NEVER sold? Did you end up giving unsellable games as gifts to your family/friends? What niece/nephew was most disappointed, and why?
(7) How did you decide what to order/keep in stock? Did you talk to other retailers? Did NEC provide "top selling" lists? Did you keep your own records? Magazine reviews—did they influence any decisions? Did you simply take a gamble with some titles, hoping you would be able to sell them?
Most returned item (software, accessory, hardware)?