I first started playing Magic when The Dark came out and have played ever since.
Sold my Arabian Serendib Efreet to Arkhan last year!
I'm only into older cards for the most part. Really wasn't a fan of the card redesign after scourge so I stopped buying new cards. Haven't bought a booster box since Weatherlight.
I've played in a few tourneys. One was quite memorable: a sealed deck tempest block tourney that took place when exodus had just came out. I had a strong enough deck to go all the way, but was eliminated by losing twice to the same player, who had a 1 casting cost, 1 damage poke spell with buyback. I had spell blast but we thought that you had to pay the full buyback cost as well as the casting cost. Was my first time playing with buyback so I had no clue. Later on I read the rules and found out I shouldn't have lost. Now I tend to be a bit of a rules lawyer lol
At my new job a few of the younger guys play with newer stuff, and sometimes we go head to head. Right now I'm dominating them with a black/white shadow deck that also has the land tax / cursed scroll combo and a fair bit of land kill like sinkhole, vindicate, and armageddon.