If there is any shortcoming in BlaZing LaZers's difficulty, it's only that it is too easy.
The game starts out easy, but the desert level is tougher, and the last two levels are very challenging. That last level... argh! I got the game back in '09, and played it, but didn't manage to beat the thing until this year. And it wasn't even the bosses really, but the last couple of normal-enemy segments in between bosses that ended my games again and again. And it's definitely not just me, there are plenty of reviews of Blazing Lazers out there that point out how tough it is.
As for Space Megaforce, that one I can beat easily, no problem. The game lets you continue as much as you want and you don't need to do that trick (shoot powerups until they flash) in order to continue where you died, either, which makes those continues useful -- in Blazing Lazers, continues are near-useless because they'll be "start back from the last checkpoint when you die", and getting though the last level like that... yeah, that's probably not happening, at least not for me. Space Megaforce has fewer levels too.
Oh, as for dead spots, I don't mind those at all. I absolutely love BlaZeon on the SNES, and that game has some 30-plus-second-long dead spots.
Keep in mind that Black Falcon calls playing Maria in Drac X "normal" mode and playing as Richter "not-worth-the-effort-DEVIL/GOD" mode.
Huh? That's not true. I said that the game is harder with Richter in ways that make the game less fun to play, that's all. You're massively overstating things. Are you actually trying to sa y that the game is easier with Richter, though? That is most certainly not true, not when Maria can do damage two to four times faster than he can!