Here is an English patch I have been working on:
SF2CE.ipsI know Street Fighter II is not really a game that needed translating, but I was playing it a lot recently so it seemed like a fun one to start with.
The script is just taken from various youtube videos. There are probably a few strings I missed, so if you're playing and come across a blank screen or one that just shows a number, please let me know more details (which character, the number shown if there is one, etc)
It was really a chore to get everything to fit in the limited freespace available, so unfortunately I decided to just cut out much of the credits at the end of the game to make more room... I feel just awful about it, and I'm hesitant to even post the patch for this reason... but (most of) the credits are still in-tact for one of the two ending types. (Why doesn't that make me feel any better?)
So, it's not perfect, but I'm a bit sick of working on it for the time being. I would rather move on to something new. Maybe someone else is interested in trying to restore the credits or polish up the script a bit? PM if so, but I won't hold my breath..hehe
Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!