Simply owning something doesn't mean you know anything about it. Either you're ignorant about what's in those games or you're just plain stupid.
Let's dissect your dipshittery for teh lulz:
Did you actually read my post or just skim over it, without understanding what I wrote?
I never said hucards were cheaper
I'd go for huCard, if it was cheap(er) in comparison to CDs
Then what did you mean? HuCARDs were
never cheaper to make, period. The hardware to play CDs was more expensive, but there's nothing in your statement about hardware.
... and my reference to the Arcade Card was that it is basically a high capacity huCard.
Kinda, except no HuCARD had redbook audio or ADPCM. You knew that, right?
Red Book audio and low res video may be nice, but other than a few examples, CastlevaniaX, Thunder series, Ys series spring to mind, it rarely added anything other than bloated cutscenes and needless exposition.
So you actually believe that the vast majority of games have shitty redbook tunes, that almost all cutscenes suck, and that voice work has no place in games? The short bus is here to pick you up.
99% of the CD games that used it was for the cheaper production costs. It was introduced before the hardware could actually do something with it, similarly with the megaCD and other CD based consoles of the time.
Of course it was a cheaper storage medium, but so what? Without the cheap storage space, those CD titles either wouldn't exist at all or would lose all the lengthy and well animated cutscenes, FMV, extensive voice work, and/or cd quality music. It sure sounds to me like they "did something with it".
Posted by Black Tiger
They also have adpcm samples and streaming
If FMV floats your boat then great, NEC obviously thought this was the way forward, resulting in the disasterous PC-FX.
Streaming and ADPCM are useful for more than FMV, you dimbulb.
StreetFighter 2 showed what could be produced using 'high capacity' hucards, which at 20Mbit wasn't that high as sega and nintendo produced higher capacity carts themselves without substantially increasing the retail prices.
SF2 was ¥9800 at launch, which was roughly 50% more than other HuCARDs released around the same time; a similar tale can be told about Star Ocean, Tales of Phantasia, etc. Due to the smaller components used, a HuCARD was likely more expensive to make than a comparably sized SF/MD cart, but that's hardly relevant and doesn't change the fact that making giant carts was prohibitively expensive.
The push toward CD based games by NEC never resulted in overall higher quality (CD airzonk V hucard airzonk)....
Go look at the Neo Geo ports on all three systems, then come back and try to say with a straight face that the PCE versions are inferior to the SF/MD ones and would've been better on a smaller HuCARD.

.... but rather 'shifted' hardware, which was evident through the various redesigns of the CD units by the company.
I don't even know what kind of point you're trying to make here.