Japanese Cheetos are an abomination.
You go to the supermarket and get all excited to see good ol' Cheetos (チートス) on the shelf, you buy a bag immediately, and you open it up the moment you get home. But then when you taste one, all you can do is weep for the nation. They changed the formula
drastically for Japan, and the result is nowhere near the majestic
bliss point of American Cheetos. No, Japanese Cheetos taste like cornstarch and mayonnaise blended with a stingy amount of army surplus cheese powder.
I'll give it to Japan that their milk chocolate tastes better because they don't go overboard on the sugar/HFCS like America does. But damn, the Cheetos here are just a disgrace.
Don't even get me started on Japanese Oreos, either. They made them taste like paper without even reducing the calorie count.