I'm guessing there are a lot of people here like me. We've got so much going on in our grown-up lives that sometimes we're in the mood for gaming, but we come home tired after work, look at our collections, and can't quite commit to anything in particular. Then we just say to hell with it and do something else until bedtime.
A little extra motivation goes a long way, and a little more time spent playing on everyone's part would do a lot to contribute to the community here. That's where a game of the week club would come in.
Would you guys be up for this?
We could have everyone who wants to do so submit a game to an organizer (I'd be happy to do take care of that job) and then have the organizer post a weekly thread. The order of the games could be decided by the order of submission. Each week, besides of course playing the game, people could talk about it in the thread, help and encourage each other, and even post pics of the ending screen if they make it that far for some sweet, sweet forum cred.
The games should generally be short and accessible - the kind of games that people could play in a single day if they really wanted to. I remember the "plays well together" thread in the PCE section before, and while I loved the idea, I thought Legend of Xanadu was a little too much to ask given its length, difficulty and language barrier. Basically, RPGs are not going to be a good idea, though there may by room for exceptions.
Of course, TG-16 or PCE games, Hucard or CD games, anything would be fine. Maybe just not Supergrafx or Laseractive games.
So, if you're all up to it, if the mods will give it their blessing, and if you don't mind me being the one to post the weekly thread, send me a PM with your suggested game. If nobody else has suggested it, I'll add it to the list along with your username, and credit you for the suggestion when your game's week comes up. Heck, you can write up an introduction if you want to.
Sound good?