Pretty cool, Tom! I remember this game, I liked it well enough. I completed stage 1 right quick, no problem.
BTW, kinda just thought of a point to these NES2PCE projects of yours: If a TurboExpress owner really likes it and bought a Turbo Everdrive, now they'll get to go portable with some of the great NES games on it that you converted like Castlevania, Megaman, and Contra, etc. Otherwise, what's the point of this if any perfectly good NES emulator will run the original ROM ?? Your skills go to waste. But yeah, this got me thinking how say Megaman or something would look like on an original Express!
Other than the novelty to play them on the a TG/PCE console? Not much. Though the goal was to hack these games once they achieved a certain state. Give them graphic and audio upgrades. Megaman (first one), turned out to be a pain in the ass to hack. Not so much as of getting the upgrades to show in the game, but hacking the game logic itself. NES doesn't have left side sprite clipping the way PCE does (it's not wide enough to 'hide' PCE sprites, in normal 16x16 or larger mode). It doesn't even have larger than 8bit coords for sprites. So while I can easily change the code to point to newer and larger sprites, the game logic itself has to be hacked. Case in point, Megaman 1 hack uses 32x32 4bpp color sprites for the new main character graphics. They look great, but the game detect logic immediately disables the sprite when it touches the left side of the edge of the screen - because it still thinks megaman is one large meta-sprite made of 8x8 cells. So it can be a pain, in that respect.
Yeah, I should be putting this time into something else. But this is play-time for me. I liked the small challenges it presents (each game requires tweaks here and there, because of code to backend emulation race issues). NES is all hacky hardware just by itself. Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
I wasn't really gonna do much more of these, to be honest. But I thought playing two player simultaneously game on the TG/PCE would be cool. It would be even cooler to hack the game to support 3 or more players in Jackal.
I do have Dragon Warrior, that I had dug up recently. It's the first one that I had done for nes2pce, but never publicly released. I still plan to release that one, sometime this year.
BTW, thanks for the heads up/link to that reference manual.