Also, does anyone care to summarize all of that pasted dialog on the last page? I'm clueless.
1. Chris offers Youkai Douchuuki for sale, calling it Shadow Land.
2. Tatsu corrects him with the proper title.
3. Chris refuses to accept that he's wrong, citing other websites that repeat the same incorrect translation and claiming that what's written on the manual isn't any more 'official' than said random sites.
4. Tatsu gets banned for insisting he's correct and likely mocking teh noob. I'm assuming the latter part, but it's certainly in his nature (like you with vestcoat audits or me being an ass).
5. Lulz ensue. Chris clings to his need to be correct while others argue why he's wrong and lamenting bazzy banishment.
6. More lulz. Tatsu starts a rival facebook group and a few jump ship to the monkey friendly group.
7. Chris apologizes.
8. Necromancer still doesn't give a shit.