You guys can all keep hiding behind your aliases and your computers like little cowards I don't care.
This is Joshua Jaeger (Added so you didn't think I was hiding behind an alias) I'm not sure what sort of inner turmoil you have been going through these past couple days and I'm not even sure what has truly set you off, but I'm recommending you step away from the keyboard and take a deep breath and just relax man. I don't think anyone here dislikes you personally, I know I don't. I was really interested in seeing more of your youtube/streaming Ys vids (Remember me chatting with you about the dungeon a week ago?) and I was genuinely interested in picking up a shirt of yours... but.. .. the fact is, you're wrong.
I feel like the group that you have been moderating on FB is a great collection of people! Sharing all sorts of varying opinions and ideas, it was good conversation! There are probably a half dozen different fb groups dedicated to NEC's little engine that could and I was contributing with comments and pics/vids or whatever on all of them, then I linked up a new group that Rockabilly made and minutes later my post was gone, then I was taken out of the group. I'm not saying I'm totally innocent here with following your 'rules' on posting/participating in your fb group.... but I surely don't think even you can think myself or anyone else deserved to be banned/deleted and dropped from a group of turbo heads, especially after the dust settles after a disagreement about such a silly act as posting a link to a website or another fb group..... can you?
After I noticed I was dropped, I PM'd you as you stated that we should if we had a problem:
Images deleted at the request of aaronl.
And then *poof*, you blocked me. Assuming because I was not agreeing 100% with you on your decision to ban people for not following your laundry list of ever changing rules.....
I know one thing we agree on Aaron, is that it's your facebook group. You gathered the Turbo masses to join up and be a part of a group that you 100% put the effort into creating. You have every right to accept/deny/ban any people that come to be a part of your group. However, I just don't see how or why someone would want to have a group like that. It's also odd that you call it the "Official" Turbografx group, like NEC/Hudson/Konami are paying you to keep it running or something... Your page is no more official than any other on FB. It's also worth noting that the amount of people that have been flooding to Tat's OBET group or Zach's Turbo/PCE group is a direct result of your behavior towards members on your own fb group. (148 unique new members for the two groups combined!) ((Not bad for 2 weeks
)) I hope you'll drop this anger act and just get back to doing what I enjoyed talking with you about- PLAYING TURBO!
Advice: Change the name from "Official Turbografx group" to Aaron's Turbografx page or something like that if you do decide to continue moderating as you do today...