Author Topic: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)  (Read 826 times)


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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2014, 06:33:19 AM »
Why are you in someone else's sale thread posting this crap?


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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2014, 06:39:12 AM »
Why do you care?


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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2014, 07:22:58 AM »
Just for the record nobody is currently BANNED right now, you can easily send me a group request and I'll gladly let you in, and again Chris Runyon left the group and he is no longer a moderator, and even he isn't banned.  I'm the only moderator of the group and there are no more delete / ban rules other than viruses and actual spammers from phishing sites etc...  Yes I was backed into a corner from 2 directions and that's what happened.  I didn't have time to review everything that was happening on there because I work 50 hours a week and have other things going on as well.

I'm glad some of you understand what has happened.  I'm only human and yes I let a few things get to me that were complete misunderstandings.  You can even post a link to the other group on there.  I don't mind.  Post youtube vids, links, your opinions, go ahead!

The shirts are gone, no longer for sale and never will be again...  If that's not enough proof that I was backed into a corner and admitting that I'm wrong, then fine.  No big deal.  I was NOT trying to make a profit from the shirts, I was offering an inexpensive way to get shirts to the community.  There was no even scheme going on to get your money.  I make 40k a year salary, I'm fine.  Yes they are heat transfer shirts, but they are high quality.  They come with washing instructions for the first wash and everything.  They were not 20.00 they were 15.00 for SM - XL which in my opinion was a great deal.

Everyone in their lives have misunderstandings and disagreements, and everyone has experienced times where they are stressed out and take it out on the wrong people.  That's what happened to me.  I'm not out to get anyone or screw anyone over.

The whole lawsuit thing was just fear.  I had my identity stolen and I'm still dealing with that.  I even have to file bankruptcy because of that.  So I freaked out!  I have neurological issues which can cause that sometimes.  If you want to still be pissed at me, you're more than welcome to.  I'm still living and breathing and I have my real life family and I don't need anything else.

I never said I "owned" copyrights to TurboGrafX, I don't know where the heck that came from.  I say "Official" Facebook group because YEARS ago when I started it, there were NO TurboGrafX related Facebook groups.  I used "Offical" as a very loose term.  I do NOT claim to own TurboGrafX.

On that note, I answered all of your questions, nobody is blocked from me personally on Facebook either.  You are free to talk to me anytime.  I don't know how I can make this any more clear than that.

If you are going to keep posting this, just make it your sig for christs sake.
Just trolling/spamming the Trade/FS threads is not going to make you any friends around here.  If you really want to contribute, then start looking at and posting in other topics.  I think we are all tired of the lashing out, then apologize.  We get it, you're sorry and you want FB friends to come back.


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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2014, 10:03:11 AM »
You don't intimidate me and you don't make me feel bad.  I'll do as I please, I don't need your approval.


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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2014, 10:11:16 AM »
You don't intimidate me and you don't make me feel bad.  I'll do as I please, I don't need your approval.

I don't believe anyone was trying to intimidate you Aaron.  Especially not galam of all people.  You did your part, you said your piece, now move along and enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2014, 10:19:31 AM »
no ones ever answered if these are Gildan shirts !!


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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2014, 10:42:15 AM »
This is proof that on the road to redemption, people WILL self-sabotage.  Sad.

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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2014, 11:12:03 AM »
You don't intimidate me and you don't make me feel bad.  I'll do as I please, I don't need your approval.

If you don't feel bad for anything you did, then I can chalk up your apology and embarrassing grovelling to just being a worthless waste of time....for you I mean, not for me. I didn't buy one word of it anyway. It sounded too Nintega'ish.

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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2014, 11:21:09 AM »
You don't intimidate me and you don't make me feel bad.  I'll do as I please, I don't need your approval.

Then why apologize for anything? Why retaliate at all? I don't know the full story of everything that happened on one of those TurboGrafx-16 facebook groups, official or otherwise. I do know that there is no excuse for how you have conducted yourself on this forum.

You joined, did not do any kind of proper introduction and immediately proceeded to peddle your wares without contributing any kind of Turbo/PCE discussion to date. You then attacked several members while demonstrating a lack of common knowledge in general ("deformation of character", internet law, officiality, piracy, forum rules you agreed to when you joined, the mechanisms of message boards, etc) while maximizing your hypocrisy (everything mods of your group accused members of and banned for, you have committed yourself here in a very short period of time).

Why did you join this forum at all if you aren't here to discuss Turbo/PCE gaming? The people who took offense to how your group was being run said that it came off as just another ego-fueling collecting-focused community and not serious about Turbo/PCE. Your posting exclusively in the TurboGrafx-16 buy/sell/trade section, faux apologizing, arguing, flip-flopping, physically threatening people, and copy/paste thread spamming is doing much more damage to the reputation of both you and any kind of facebook group you may have left.

The actions of your group's mods (I don't know or care who exactly did what) before your arrival, plus you behavior here before and after various non-apologies and deflections, all have the same common denominator:

They portray you as having very low self esteem and being desperate for everyone/anyone's approval.

If you some day resolve your emotional and any various personal problems that have led to this state and you finally honestly aren't just looking for attention any/every way you can get it and develop a genuine interest in both TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine discussion and joining the internet/world spanning Turbo/PCE community... then you should delete your faux TurboGrafx-16 facebook group and join the rest of us who are passionate about the games.

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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2014, 12:29:59 PM »
somebody answer munchiaz please! i too want to know what brand shirt they are printed on because it makes a difference which size i order.
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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2014, 03:09:14 AM »
Google makes me wanna say they're American Apparel (unless you go for organic, which are either American Apparel or Econscious depending on style), but I'd send 'em an e-mail to be certain before ordering.
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Re: Turbografx-16 logo T-shirts (Hoodies, long sleeves and more!)
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2014, 07:33:50 AM »
Google makes me wanna say they're American Apparel (unless you go for organic, which are either American Apparel or Econscious depending on style), but I'd send 'em an e-mail to be certain before ordering.

Good to know. If its American Apparel then i will definitely buy one