Supposedly, Turbo Everdrive allows you to access the 192k in the Duo and SuperCDROM addon units.
But even if you detect it (banks $80-87 are CD base ram and are always available, banks $68-7f are the additional 192k), how are you going to access it in HuC without some assembly? You can't create an extra large rom project that overlaps the ram area, and then treat it like far mem. That won't work with the TE card (the upper 4megabit region of the lower 1Mbyte address range, needs to be unmapped/unused). HuC doesn't, IIRC, give you direct access over the banking mechanism. That said, there are a few undocumented internal functions of HuC that you might be able to use. It's gonna be slow.
How much ram do you need? I can write a few pragma fastcall routines for you, to access it, if you need.