So I've got this function that I *thought* was working correctly for multiplying a 32bit number by an 8bit number:
mul_int32_int8(int32_result, int32, int8)
char* int32_result;
char* int32;
char int8;
char i;
char v;
int old_v;
v = 0;
for (i = 4; i > 0; --i){
/* multiply and add overflow from last loop*/
old_v = (int32[i] * int8) + v;
/* store lsb */
int32[i] = old_v & 0xff;
/* store msb as overflow for next loop */
v = (old_v >> 8) & 0xff;
if ((int32[0] + v) < int32[0]){
int32[0] = int32[0] + v;
/* overflow */
memcpy(int32_result, int32, 4);
return 1;
} else {
int32[0] = int32[0] + v;
memcpy(int32_result, int32, 4);
return 0;
The test case is:
int32 = 348 (0x0000015c)
int8 = 8
I should be seeing 2784 (0x00000AE0), but I see 2790 (0x00000AE6) which results in my sector calculations going haywire. My original code used a brain-dead routine of calling my add_int32() function multiple times (like I said, brain dead), but I coded this faster multiply routine instead.
Can anyone see where I've gone wrong? It's late and I don't think I'm quite seeing it!