Thanks Chris.
I'll check the Captain text again, but it should be correct.
Yep, sorry, the extraction was messed up on that list. The NPC list is one of my earlier extractions and was missing several characters.
I've just re-run it and it now shows as the following:
0x1cbae クレイン Klein
0x1cbb4 キリ Kiri
0x1cbb8 シャイン Shine
0x1cbbe ヴィンド Vynd
0x1cbc6 ニジ‐ナ Nejena
0x1cbcf MICA
0x1cbd5 キャプテン Captain
0x1cbde パイロット Pilot
0x1cbe7 プロフェッサ‐ Prof.
0x1cbf2 ドクタ‐ Dr.
0x1cbfa エンジニア Engineer
0x1cc07 バックアップメモリ BackupRAM
0x1cc14 きょうじゅ
0x1cc1b だいとうりょう President
0x1cc24 だいとうりょうふじん First Lady
0x1cc31 トレ‐ダ‐ Trader
0x1cc39 ロボット Robot
0x1cc40 シ‐クラン Shi Clan
0x1cc47 ちょうろう
0x1cc4d げんしじん Atom Man
0x1cc55 しゅうちょう
0x1cc5c いわ Rock
0x1cc5f シリコンせいぶつ Silicon Lifeform
0x1cc6b クジラ Whale
0x1cc71 サソリ Scorpion
0x1cc76 かいぞく Pirate
0x1cc7c きかい Machine
0x1cc80 へいし Soldier
0x1cc84 しょうぐん Shogun
0x1cc8b しれいかん Cmmdr
0x1cc91 ガライシアン Garaian
0x1cc9a スラウレ Suraure
0x1cca0 クイ‐ン Queen
0x1cca6 メンタ‐ナ Mentana
The Hiragana きょうじゅ is 'Enjoy' ... but the Kana is キョウジュ which is 'Professor'. All my extractions since the very early ones do both character sets, to help in situations like this. e.g.:
"block_range" : "0x1cbad-0x1ccac - Ouji? - professer/teacher in first world school",
"block_description" : "NPC character names.",
"string_start" : "0x1cc14",
"method" : 3,
"start_bytes" : [],
"end_bytes" : ["00"],
"raw_size" : 7,
"raw" : ["b7", "ae", "b3", "bc", "de", "ad", "00"],
"raw_text" : "きょうじゅ",
"alt_text" : "キョウジュ",
"trans_size" : 0,
"trans_text" : "Prof."
The alternate extraction now makes sense as its the character who appears in the school to offer you a star map.