having been collecting TG stuff for 12 - 15 years i seriously doubt the price will go down. Prices have increased stupidly ( but really only recently ). just a a short 5 years ago MC was still only getting a couple of hundred, boxed complete games for 600 ish or less, i remember thinking who the hell justifies 600 for a game!! ... the 8500 or so they get now has really only been recently, the CD games always were more expensive, but you could always find a deal, my sealed daynastic hero was 50 bucks, i bought two at the time, one to trade one to keep, the trade got me bonk 3 cd.. i was happy.. but now days 1400 for dynastic hero, 8500 for MC, 800 for Terraforming, 400 for bonk 3.. 600 for a sealed LOHT.. WTF crazy crazy crazy.. i wouldn't be able to even consider a common tg collection let alone the rare games in todays market. I questioned the $60 i paid for a MC manual, and the trade i made for a cardboard box. but i wouldnt even fathom trying to get MC now days if i didnt already have it.
my signature has the items id like to get in mint condition ( because i do collect and i do like mint items ), but those items have been on the list for YEARS... im not going to pay a small fortune.. i'll get lucky one day.. i think the time factor has caused the pricing to sky rocket, instacollectors, must have it all today and dont care what it costs..
But its the same for all systems i guess. what i find frustrating is im a Dragon Warrior fan, love that game, and i try and buy dragon warrior stuff, unfortunately it was a nintendo game aswell, so you end up trying to battle with nintendo collectors, of which there are a million and of that million it seems 50% are insanely rich!. makes it hard to get some of the stuff for a game series i like. i figure the ones who cant complete a nintendo collection are not starting to eye the turbo grafx.. much easier to find if you have the money, where as the Nintendo stuff seems to be hard to find.