I get my games wherever I can. It's not just TG-16/PCE, but very console from the NES up. Unfortunately, this is the one that no matter what, I can't find. I was trying to buy from a collector here if anyone was willing to sell it. I play everything too. Sometimes it's for minutes because the game is bad, and others I finish because I enjoy them. That's what I was saying earlier about games like stadium events..the game is shit and nobody plays it, but it commands huge money. If I wanted that game I could make a call and get it from a friend I have that owns a store. Magical Chase is a game that not one collector around me has that I know of. What am I to do? I come here and offer big money because it's near impossible to acquire. I didn't come here with the intentions of over paying, I just figured it couldn't be touched unless it was for eBay money.