Seriously, you guys? According to all of you, is there any LEGITIMATE reason to want to buy the more sought-after Turbo titles? Can anyone come here and ask to buy something that's worth any money with getting drummed out of town? He offers $200, so he must be some a$$hole who needs everything right now, blah blah blah. But if he had offered less, or asked for a "good deal" then you guys would be jumping on his ass for low-balling the community. In the mean time, guys like this, or like that MooseMan dude could turn out to be great members of the community if you guys didn't get the torches and pitchforks out every time someone wanted to buy anything but dirt commons and PCE hueys.
Jumping on the flaming bandwagon was fun for awhile, but I'm really starting to see why this place has the reputation that it does.