Author Topic: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.  (Read 1876 times)


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2014, 10:56:22 AM »
...but I am also the guy that feels Beyond Shadowgate is THE BEST game for the Turbo.  lol. 



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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2014, 12:03:50 PM »
In my experience... asking people on an internet forum to be respectful is like asking a terrorist to stop killing people. :lol:

You have a valid point there!

Seriously, you guys?  According to all of you, is there any LEGITIMATE reason to want to buy the more sought-after Turbo titles?  Can anyone come here and ask to buy something that's worth any money with getting drummed out of town?  He offers $200, so he must be some a$$hole who needs everything right now, blah blah blah.  But if he had offered less, or asked for a "good deal" then you guys would be jumping on his ass for low-balling the community.  In the mean time, guys like this, or like that MooseMan dude could turn out to be great members of the community if you guys didn't get the torches and pitchforks out every time someone wanted to buy anything but dirt commons and PCE hueys.

Jumping on the flaming bandwagon was fun for awhile, but I'm really starting to see why this place has the reputation that it does.


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Considering the ridiculous pics of games I see people posting my offer for Dungeon Explorer II is peanuts. And i'm not talking about Magical Chase. I could be asking Darius Alpha, or any of the Summer Carnival TurboChips, but i'm not because I have no interest in those games.

In fact on a lot forums it is mandatory when posting a buying/selling thread, to include prices to keep people from ripping people off. I offered what I felt was a fair forum price considering it sells on eBay for $200-$250 on a regular basis.

What if I offered $100.00? Then I would be flamed for asking too low.

Okay so let me see if I am understanding this right...

Two people get a bit mouthy on a single post
More than two others offer respectful help
This forum has over 3200 members
At least 200 of them are active participants
So... 2 out of 200 users = 1% of all active members
That leaves 99% of the active users, let alone nearly 100% of all members in total

...and this place is negative?

I understand what you're saying there. If fact I think you're one of the most helpful and active members here. You're definitely a good guy in my book!

But the saying goes, one bad apple spoils the bunch. And it has been more than 2 people and more than one thread. When new people come here they are going to see the "bad apples" and leave. And like said before they could be active members that have things to offer the community besides negativity.

Aye... gotta have the mettle to take some flak from time to time around these parts. No one here is above it, not even the oldbies like Necro and I (and you too, of course, MG).

I don't mind the flak, and I can take it. I work in an emergency room and get treated like crap on a daily basis there. I just think there are a few bad apples here and people really should be respectful in a adult manner. Now I don't mind joking, and language. I'm a guy afterall, I have a bad one. It's just all the unnecessary bashing and rude remarks. We collect video games for gods sake. What is there to be rude and angry about?

I'm not going anywhere. And I'm sorry if I offended some people. But it has just been negative remarks, pm's and such since I came back here. I have met a few nice people here. I just don't feel as a whole there is a bunch of positive energy in this community.

May the Schwartz be with you all!

I PM'd ya but I don't think I was dick to ya, maybe you are sensitive or maybe just a weee bit high on yourself  <<scratches head>>
You came white knighting in to speak up for mossy and then told us what we are doing wrong when all we are really doing is sticking up for our system & games and trying to have place/community that is not like ebay or kijiji.
Ya it comes off harsh sometimes but I keep on saying… come into new place using some common sense and you will do just fine.

None taken at all!

I just received my huge lot of games in the mail and I am waiting to see if I wanted to keep enough games to justify a whole sticker set. Sorry for not replying, I kept meaning too but I would forget, plus this week is final week before exams, plus I think I had food poisoning Monday night and Tuesday and didn't start to feel beter till late last night.

Okay so let me see if I am understanding this right...

Two people get a bit mouthy on a single post
More than two others offer respectful help
This forum has over 3200 members
At least 200 of them are active participants
So... 2 out of 200 users = 1% of all active members
That leaves 99% of the active users, let alone nearly 100% of all members in total

...and this place is negative?

I can see the ops point, just recently there has been a theme of people offering some sort of dollar value for a "rare" or desirable game.  Said person then gets flamed.  I think its really mainly in this particular part of the site ( buy/ sell ).. Kinda funny really given that's what this area is for. 

Its all being done to protect the over inflated pricing of TG games, and i can understand and appreciate that, but on the flip side i know that this forum and its members are really getting a bad name outside in the rest of the world, and while i dont care if people think the forum is a shit place to buy and sell, i do care that people may not come here and share their experiences, homebrew skills, whatever it maybe ( look at nintendo age, its soo cool that every now and then someone who was an original developer on some game comes forward and share his experiences, ive seen that only once i think here, id hate for people to think we are too much of a bunch of a$$holes to waste time coming here with that sort of stuff ).. 

Aside from the guys who gave advice about the jap version ( i too didnt realise it would be as playable in japanese ), the rest should may take a back seat ( said in the nicest possible way of course) for a while, theres so many positive things going on in this site with member raffles, combiar sessions, sparkys labels - boxes - inserts, and a great homebrew area that we should focus on that and let these types of post slide by quietly.  At the end of the day if a private trade happens then it really probably doesnt hurt the general market pricing, infact if more private trades happened with pricing hidden and encouraged then the general pricing on ebay might not inflate so quickly.  Just another way to look at it maybe.

It does seem the negative stuff is more associated around the US stuff, the PCE side of it seems pretty quiet when it comes to prices. ?

My Japanese version is a placeholder until when/if I ever locate a English copy again. It is playable for sure, I just prefer to read the story. Also, I want to update my old Dungeon Explorer II FAQ I wrote when I was younger, and wanted to add the story for people who can not afford/locate the English release.

No hard feeling taken at all :)

Also I would like to throw out there that it doesn't have anything to do with being sensitive. I'm not the most sensitive of people. Sure, I may have got a bit misty eye'd in the last episode of Breaking Bad when I though Jesse was going to die. But he was the only character left with any moral values! It wasn't my fault.

But what it comes down to is defending ones self. Say you were desperate and went to WalMart and were looking to buy a PS3, and all of the sudden some guy comes up and says "hey, let me throw my 2 cents in, how about you go back to K-Mart or whatever hole you crawled out of because we don't have and droids here selling PS3's!"

Sure you might not understand what droids meant, but you would be probably understand what the person suggested was out of line and you have every bit of right to be in the store as him or any other person. And in all reality you would probably say something like "go the hell away", or "Eff off douche-bag"

The problem is not one person being too sensitive. The root of the problem is members offering their "2 cents" when it is out of line and disrespectful. Positive input is always welcome and considered. But douchery is crossing the line an unacceptable unless in a joking manner.

I personally think my offer for Dungeon Explorer 2 was totally fair and respectable. It's not the most sought after of game, but is expensive and getting quite rare.

If there are going to be all these rules regarding not asking for specific games, or not asking for too high of prices, or not asking until you have a specific number of posts then there needs to be a sticky set of specific rules for newcomers to read and follow.


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2014, 12:29:14 PM »
Buy pce version and slip a CDr of the Turbo version in the case like I do :D You get the awesome art and manual that way
(19:28:25) GE0: superdead told me in whisper that his favorite game is mario paint


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2014, 12:55:55 PM »
Buy pce version and slip a CDr of the Turbo version in the case like I do :D You get the awesome art and manual that way

This is really the best idea


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2014, 01:03:46 PM »
Buy pce version and slip a CDr of the Turbo version in the case like I do :D You get the awesome art and manual that way

hmmm. I may do this, as I backed up all my games before selling them.  Good idea Fred!!!


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2014, 01:14:17 PM »
That may very well be what I have to do with Dynastic Hero, but I suck at burning turbo games. They always loop music. Also I feel like my system is working extra hard and i'm scared i'm going to break it. I hear you need some silver CDR's or something.

Does anyone have any links to the best CDR's, preferebly on Amazon as I have Amazon Prime. And and idea where I can read a good FAQ on backing up turbo games? I understand the whole CUE system, but I must be doing something wrong. I hear 1x is ideal, but I also hear 1x burn is a thing of the past and actually makes the burn worse because it's too slow for advanced burners now-a-days.


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #36 on: March 05, 2014, 01:16:11 PM »
Taiyo Yuden silverbacks, burn as slow a speed as you can. I burn mine at 8x without issue.


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #37 on: March 05, 2014, 01:23:20 PM »
Taiyo Yuden silverbacks, burn as slow a speed as you can. I burn mine at 8x without issue.

awesome, thanks!


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #38 on: March 05, 2014, 01:24:32 PM »
Haha, yeah I doubt you'll find one here, but keep looking. They pop up every couple of months.


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #39 on: March 05, 2014, 04:12:35 PM »
As the resident Dungeon Explorer hater, I will have to chime in and say that the game isn't worth the money and shouldn't be in the discussion for "one of the best games on the system."


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #40 on: March 05, 2014, 05:24:59 PM »
Seriously, you guys?  According to all of you, is there any LEGITIMATE reason to want to buy the more sought-after Turbo titles?  Can anyone come here and ask to buy something that's worth any money with getting drummed out of town?  He offers $200, so he must be some a$$hole who needs everything right now, blah blah blah.  But if he had offered less, or asked for a "good deal" then you guys would be jumping on his ass for low-balling the community.  In the mean time, guys like this, or like that MooseMan dude could turn out to be great members of the community if you guys didn't get the torches and pitchforks out every time someone wanted to buy anything but dirt commons and PCE hueys.

Jumping on the flaming bandwagon was fun for awhile, but I'm really starting to see why this place has the reputation that it does.

Thank you! I'm glad to see that you understand what we were trying to do. I do have to say though, for all of the shit I took on my thread, there were some awesome people that stuck up for me and I received some great PM's. We are all fans of this system so why get mad amongst each other? I love you all......(well, most of you)


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2014, 12:27:14 PM »
Is there any evidence that playing burned games causes any extra wear on the system? I use verbatim discs and burn with Imgburn. It's free and easy to use. I've yet to have a problem.


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2014, 10:31:43 PM »
Is there any evidence that playing burned games causes any extra wear on the system? I use verbatim discs and burn with Imgburn. It's free and easy to use. I've yet to have a problem.

This may cause a shitstorm...... :-$  :-"


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2014, 03:11:07 AM »
Is there any evidence that playing burned games causes any extra wear on the system? I use verbatim discs and burn with Imgburn. It's free and easy to use. I've yet to have a problem.
Mountains of evidence.


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Re: Sell me Dungeon Explorer II ENG Please.
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2014, 06:41:32 AM »
just because you are paranoid about laser wear doesn't mean you are immune

[Mon 16:27] <BlueBMW> i wouldnt sell an unmolested duo hehe.  I molest the crap outta of em before they leave me