Okay so let me see if I am understanding this right...
Two people get a bit mouthy on a single post
More than two others offer respectful help
This forum has over 3200 members
At least 200 of them are active participants
So... 2 out of 200 users = 1% of all active members
That leaves 99% of the active users, let alone nearly 100% of all members in total
...and this place is negative?
I can see the ops point, just recently there has been a theme of people offering some sort of dollar value for a "rare" or desirable game. Said person then gets flamed. I think its really mainly in this particular part of the site ( buy/ sell ).. Kinda funny really given that's what this area is for.
Its all being done to protect the over inflated pricing of TG games, and i can understand and appreciate that, but on the flip side i know that this forum and its members are really getting a bad name outside in the rest of the world, and while i dont care if people think the forum is a shit place to buy and sell, i do care that people may not come here and share their experiences, homebrew skills, whatever it maybe ( look at nintendo age, its soo cool that every now and then someone who was an original developer on some game comes forward and share his experiences, ive seen that only once i think here, id hate for people to think we are too much of a bunch of a$$holes to waste time coming here with that sort of stuff )..
Aside from the guys who gave advice about the jap version ( i too didnt realise it would be as playable in japanese ), the rest should may take a back seat ( said in the nicest possible way of course) for a while, theres so many positive things going on in this site with member raffles, combiar sessions, sparkys labels - boxes - inserts, and a great homebrew area that we should focus on that and let these types of post slide by quietly. At the end of the day if a private trade happens then it really probably doesnt hurt the general market pricing, infact if more private trades happened with pricing hidden and encouraged then the general pricing on ebay might not inflate so quickly. Just another way to look at it maybe.
It does seem the negative stuff is more associated around the US stuff, the PCE side of it seems pretty quiet when it comes to prices. ?