I knew about the TG16 back in 89 thanks to a department store. At the time I was happily playing my NES and didn't pay much attention.
Sometime in the late 90's thanks to the internet I read a bit more about the TG16, got an emu and a few roms but never really paid much attention to it, I remember playing some Cadash, Bonk and Ninja Ryukenden.
Sometime in the late 90's thanks to the internet I read a bit more about the TG16, got an emu and a few roms but never really paid much attention to it, although I spent good time playing some Cadash, Bonk 1 and Ninja Ryukenden.
Mid 2012 , out of curiosity, just like that I researched on it and really learned about all of the good games released for it and its Japanese counterpart, I just felt attracted to the platform (pretend you transport yourself in time and feel that "wow" factor). That's when I found out about Turboviews, the PCEFX forum and the conventions and decided it was the time to expand on my retro "collection".