really, it potentially has to do with anyone here since you're asking for 5000$.
My point is, if you really love it, just do it. You've now stated you don't, so good, don't.
Keep spending your PCE efforts on something useful that you actually give a shit about, lol. Save the money propositions for when you want to do a print run of MegaMan CD with actual CD audio and new graphics.
We don't need Daimakaimura for PCE, and anyone who would help fund that kind of project instead of something unique/more useful, is a retard. Daimakaimura isn't even that great of a game!
I'm sorry you take great offense to being told your proposition is dumb. It's nothing personal though.
I just really find the idea of paying ROM hackers to diddle some crap up in general pretty dumb all around.
This stuff is supposed to be for fun, and really, I can't imagine it being fun if you have to be paid to even consider it, and refer to it as slaving over a project.
Do something you like, make everyone want it, and then ask for money to get it published legit.
aw yeah.