Valis III is infamous around here for being one of the worst North American covers, since the artwork looks like a man.
There is such a brooding atmosphere in NA's Valis III art as Tranny Yuko-cum-Sandra Bullock stands in stoic silence. I like the NA art (it has a classic, dramatic fantasy formula), but it doesn't belong on Valis.
Speaking of trannies, I wish the Japanese Art for Devil Crash was more fierce/bolder because it does not hold my interest. I'm ok with "subtle" and "nuanced" compositions, but the female face (maybe it's the dead eyes?) falls flat and is boring. A bit more intensity (get rid of the lifeless eyes, lips*) and it could have been a haunting, intriguing cover. THEREFORE, despite the horribly goofy green demon-devil on the US cover, US wins.
* If the
intention was to draw "lifeless" eyes and lips, well, damn, a real artist would have achieved this without the final result being so "blah"...I really feel a slight tweak or two would have made all the difference.