I can understand that. It was explained to me that this forum would be a great way to learn more about things that could not be answered by simply searching on the internet. It was also explained to me that people had an open mind on here. It would seem that most of the responses to my posts either get a do more research, use common sense or you know nothing about this stuff. Check into other posts I made. Some of them I tried to stay cool with, while others I lashed out a bit. I am not stating that I am being bullied. I am also not stating that I am a expert of any sort. I am just having a hard time understanding people's need to bash on anything that they do not agree with. If I was here to just (quote) score my games a low prices then why would I ask questions about something I already own? I have tried to be respectful in my answers unless provoked. I mean really? I thought a forum was to learn, share and maybe get some help along the way. Roy told me it would be rough on here so I guess I should have been more prepared...
Madbooms, everyone has been pretty good with you and have even gave some advise on jp games to help you out with your wallet, no one is being even close to nasty, a lot of new guys come here and the majority fit in just fine..
Most of your post are topic posts of "me wants or needs to know" and thats fine but we are just saying to take the time and look around here, search a bit as you think your the first to ask the question your asking?
it's all good man but you will have to be patient as a lot of us are still looking for the same games and manuals you are.
The Tg16 market has got really stupid over the past few years and ya we have seen our share of new guys coming in as a last resort from there hunt around the world to find those remaining few gems. We get sick of hearing it!
I am actually spotting right now so be careful