Since you got it open and got the hang of desoldering surface mount caps, you should just replace all caps and be done with it. Every last one of my TE caps had leaked and I'd wager you noticed leaky ones as well... There's no sense in running the system with some caps new and good, while the rest are 24+ years old, likely leaky and are thus operating at a much lower capacitance capability potentially risking permanent damage... The fluid from leaky caps does corrode traces over time, so FYI.
Well it's laziness at its' finest. I really should and probably will do the whole thing, but I'm more interested in solving the current issues before I do a complete overhaul.
I changed the backlight caps mentioned earlier, beside the known video smaller cap. I broke a trace but mounted it to another place on the trace, and got both of those f'n annoying caps replaced... only problem is, there's no difference.
I'm not sure what type of problem this is now. If it was a backlight problem, I wouldn't have a backlight.. but I do. If it was a video problem, I wouldn't have video, but I do. I've seen other PC Engines or TE's and when looked at from an angle, there's still no dimness... whereas unless you're looking straight on parallel with my screen, the screen isn't visible otherwise.
I'll replace all the other caps later on, but if anyone has some insight to why this might be, it's very much a big help to me. Thanks.