Yes, thanks for offering "the community" a chance to pay full ebay BIN prices. We're falling all over ourselves to help out a douche that has no use for the forum other than to turn a buck.
Yeah, what a f--king hero, complete with a "story" about his poor "starving" or "roofless" kids. "
You don't like my prices?? But but, it's for the children! I'm doing it all for the children, how can you be against that ??" Also like his preemptive "Please save it!" comment because every greedy profiteer believes once they make a sale thread here, they're entitled only to positive/supportive comments in it... "
Don't like it, then stay out of MY thread, don't judge me!! Let me find a sucker that's willing to pay my ripoff rates in peace!" So he basically sold his wares high and escaped eBay fees to boot... Even nickel'n'dimed on shipping costs. Pffffft. But hey, "
most I can do is 10% off" if you purchase a 2nd game from him at THOSE rates at least... What a guy!
Im one of very trust anal person in this community.
What's that you say ? Anal, as in you like bending the buyer over and to trust you while doing so ? Freudian slip there ?
New term: "anal trust" - "
C'mon baby, just trust me! You might even enjoy it!"