I am calling all owners of the LT in on that topic - I have a question:
Since mine is a modded version (composite from expansion port to LCD input), I have no expertise on the A/V input jack on the side. I don´t get a picture, either from the A/V input nor from the TV section (at least a noise picture should show up if I flip the switch...wouldn´t it?).
Is the jack directly routed to the composite output on the expansion section or via RGB thru the video chip? I have tried to send a video input signal from my DVD player to test this (PAL, since my LCD supports both PAL + NTSC), but I don´t get a picture.
Maybe someone else has tried or tested this before? I don´t want to open up my unit just for playing around with this...some hard facts/experience/tests from someone else who has tried in the past would nice.