Hey this is my first post here and wasn't sure where to place this particular problem. I have an american turbo duo that was recapped not to long ago and I started to region mod it with a diy region swap board. I built and used the same in my pce and no problems, but this is where I'm at now. I snipped and installed my region mod to the pins and at first it would swap to pce but nit to it's default assuming it was a wrong jumper or something on my bard I disconnected it double checked and re-wired it to the system and it wouldn't read either card. So I pulled it completely and strait wired it to it's default pinout and now it's white screen when I turn it on with a card inserted or not. I don't even get the sys card boot or an attempt to spin a disk. Any help would be greatly appretiated as this is my first duo.