Author Topic: Turbo Obsessed  (Read 4802 times)


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #45 on: April 18, 2014, 06:56:20 AM »
Better than the Genesis.......  I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on.  A decidedly blanket statement is silly.

Same old dipshit.  :lol:

Anyone who argues pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16bit era is the dipshit :lol:  There are no blanket statements here, just preferences that said I know what site this is and I'll move on.

I agree with this statement. But Necromancer's comment was influenced by your long history across forums, of making relentless blanket statements arguing declaring pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16-bit era.

If you wana tear open old wounds we can.  I spoke to my preference of the MD and made that clear based on how easy it was to get and how I grew up with it.  The turbo was a far more rare bird and more expensive especially these days but I was lucky to get a Turbo Express on crack prices back in the early 90's with commons like Bonk, Vigilante, Chase HQ, sports stuff.  That said I play my Duo a lot these days and really enjoy it.  Between the PCE, SNES, and MD it is my favorite era of gaming and I'll never give it up and I see them as contemporaries.  If I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE.  Super Metroid would not look as good on the PCE and so on.  I was then pointed out that each system does games in it's own way exclusive to it's architecture, so maybe EWJ2 won't be as good on the PCE but then Blazing Lasers or Sapphire won't be as good on the MD or would in fact melt a SNES.

Each system for each style, artistically and then you have to factor in if some programmer was a lazy ass that day and did a bad job like Altered Beast on the PCE or how Lords of Thunder is better on the PCE even though the Sega CD is a more powerful system.  So many factors, but yes I still prefer the MD, too easy to get too many great games and the NA support was top notch.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 07:05:45 AM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #46 on: April 18, 2014, 07:30:23 AM »
Better than the Genesis.......  I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on.  A decidedly blanket statement is silly.

Same old dipshit.  :lol:

Anyone who argues pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16bit era is the dipshit :lol:  There are no blanket statements here, just preferences that said I know what site this is and I'll move on.

I agree with this statement. But Necromancer's comment was influenced by your long history across forums, of making relentless blanket statements arguing declaring pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16-bit era.

What he said. ^^

I like cars. Wings make cars go faster. Bits make vidya games more betterer.

The gold car is for real... local drug dealer and community icon of sorts.  He spray painted his car entirely gold... even the wheels. People on facebook around here post "sighting" pics of him all the time.  "hey look, goldie sighting at the cash-to-check", "found goldie at walmart", "goldie spotted at payday advance", "look who is at the pawn shop!", etc...

Back on topic:

I'm not angry. Your continued "missing of the point" just kind of reinforces what most everyone here already knows.  a.) spoilers give you more horsepower and torque, b.) bit count is more important than MIPS when it comes to CPU performance, and c.) troll feeding is never wise.

Whoever said spoilers give power or torque?  Changing your quote again?  Let's take a look shall we?

Quote from: nullity
People who compare "bits" remind me of those who think a big spoiler helps a car go faster.

They do make cars go faster, and they allow more power to the ground and as you know power is nothing without control.  Nice back pedal and you attacked me again even though you knew you were wrong.  I'm just trying to help is all, sometimes help comes from those you least expect.  No need for a grudge anymore, those bags are heavy, put them down why are you still carrying those bags?

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #47 on: April 18, 2014, 07:35:05 AM »
Better than the Genesis.......  I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on.  A decidedly blanket statement is silly.

Same old dipshit.  :lol:

Anyone who argues pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16bit era is the dipshit :lol:  There are no blanket statements here, just preferences that said I know what site this is and I'll move on.

I agree with this statement. But Necromancer's comment was influenced by your long history across forums, of making relentless blanket statements arguing declaring pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16-bit era.

What he said. ^^

I like cars. Wings make cars go faster. Bits make vidya games more betterer.

The gold car is for real... local drug dealer and community icon of sorts.  He spray painted his car entirely gold... even the wheels. People on facebook around here post "sighting" pics of him all the time.  "hey look, goldie sighting at the cash-to-check", "found goldie at walmart", "goldie spotted at payday advance", "look who is at the pawn shop!", etc...

Back on topic:

I'm not angry. Your continued "missing of the point" just kind of reinforces what most everyone here already knows.  a.) spoilers give you more horsepower and torque, b.) bit count is more important than MIPS when it comes to CPU performance, and c.) troll feeding is never wise.

You keep your bits i'll take the MIPS.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2014, 07:41:09 AM »
So adding a "wing" = car goes faster and more stable? 

Damn it!...I've been going at it all wrong for years.  Your telling me that I've been wasting time & money on coil-over suspension, sway/chassis bars, wheels/tires, etc. for stabilization when I should have just installed a big "wing" instead?   

...And to think, I've been wanting to get a supercharger to make my car faster.  Forget the expensive supercharger, I'm getting a big ass "wing" to fly fast!




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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2014, 07:52:37 AM »
no csgx1, you should have purchased an F1 car right away.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 08:15:47 AM by Tatsujin »
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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2014, 07:55:32 AM »
So adding a "wing" = car goes faster and more stable? 

Damn it!...I've been going at it all wrong for years.  Your telling me that I've been wasting time & money on coil-over suspension, sway/chassis bars, wheels/tires, etc. for stabilization when I should have just installed a big "wing" instead?   

...And to think, I've been wanting to get a supercharger to make my car faster.  Forget the expensive supercharger, I'm getting a big ass "wing" to fly fast!


Downforce = Traction, having traction allows more power to the ground = faster acceleration and not flying off the road during high speed maneuvers.  My car has already had a massive rear wing and zero lift kit so I added suspension and brake upgrades.  A good set of brakes allows you to go faster too, meaning that you can keep your foot on the gas longer as the brakes take less time to slow you down, better breaks = more time on the gas.  I hope you've had a proper alignment with all those suspension upgrades.

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #51 on: April 18, 2014, 07:58:17 AM »

Whoever said spoilers give power or torque?  Changing your quote again?  Let's take a look shall we?

Quote from: nullity
People who compare "bits" remind me of those who think a big spoiler helps a car go faster.

They do make cars go faster, and they allow more power to the ground and as you know power is nothing without control. 

Is it power or control?  I was hoping you'd latch on to my using terms other than "fast", because I wanted to see if it would help you be aware of how you're changing things up on your side.  Horspower... power... that will make you go faster.  Control... brakes give you control.  I'm going to get new brakes because they'll help me go faster.



i came...

All the horsepower in the world is useless without traction  F1 cars are what 1600 pounds and have extreme power so they could spin the wheels in almost any gear.  A Wing puts down-force over the rear wheels, so power + control = traction and of course acceleration.  The proper thing now would be to admit you were wrong, it's easy we all know already.  One last time, you said adding a wing doesn't makes cars faster, they do.  There is no arguing with physics, but you seem to be trying very hard.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 08:00:10 AM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.

Black Tiger

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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #52 on: April 18, 2014, 08:22:46 AM »
Physics... let's talk about friction and drag.  I was just kind of toying with you at first, but man... i see why people give you a hard time now.  Did you used to work as the Iraqi Information Minister?

There is actually a thread somewhere on here with a post of that infamous screen shot of Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf, captioned with an EvilEvoXI quote.

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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #53 on: April 18, 2014, 08:29:09 AM »
All the horsepower in the world is useless without traction  F1 cars are what 1600 pounds and have extreme power so they could spin the wheels in almost any gear.  A Wing puts down-force over the rear wheels, so power + control = traction and of course acceleration.

Again, completely ignoring the original point/context and grasping for that hint of a straw that represents the one context in which your claims are not 100% retarded.

The proper thing now would be to admit you were wrong, it's easy we all know already.

Who is "we".  All of your personalities? Let's see... there's EvilIX, PedoIX, SegaboiIX, and DerpyIX.  You're right... it is unanimous... all of -you- know I'm wrong.

One last time, you said adding a wing doesn't makes cars faster, they do.  There is no arguing with physics, but you seem to be trying very hard.

Physics... let's talk about friction and drag.  I was just kind of toying with you at first, but man... i see why people give you a hard time now.  Did you used to work as the Iraqi Information Minister?

You just can't let it go.  Let it go bro, put those bags down.  All the name calling, back pedaling, whining, and posting pictures of ricers won't change the fact that wings make cars faster.  Sorry, thanks for playing.  All your anger is adding up to nothing at this point and is getting silly.

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #54 on: April 18, 2014, 09:07:35 AM »


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #55 on: April 18, 2014, 09:15:54 AM »
If I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE. 

More than that, dipshit.  We all agree that Earthworm Jim would lose some pizazz in parallax backgrounds, but your argument was that the PCE couldn't handle the sprite animation.  Hilarious.  And don't forget your claims that the PCE choked on SFII compared to "real" 16 bitters, using smaller sprites and running slower, or your adamant belief that the NeoGeo can pull off a perfect mode 7 game like Mario Kart?  Pure dipshittery, my friend.

As for the wing argument: some wings can indeed make some cars faster, and not just in corners either.  Saying that "wings = faster", however, is a gross oversimplification.
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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #56 on: April 18, 2014, 10:15:26 AM »
If I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE. 

More than that, dipshit.  We all agree that Earthworm Jim would lose some pizazz in parallax backgrounds, but your argument was that the PCE couldn't handle the sprite animation.  Hilarious.  And don't forget your claims that the PCE choked on SFII compared to "real" 16 bitters, using smaller sprites and running slower, or your adamant belief that the NeoGeo can pull off a perfect mode 7 game like Mario Kart?  Pure dipshittery, my friend.

As for the wing argument: some wings can indeed make some cars faster, and not just in corners either.  Saying that "wings = faster", however, is a gross oversimplification.

Man oh Man the grudge continues.  You guys really take this seriously.  I see Nullity still can't admit when he was wrong and he's floundering.  That said I played the MD Version and the PCE Version of SFII back to back and said I preferred the MD version as it had less slowdown, and it does have less slowdown.  Maybe my specific copy is broken but when 2 projectiles get on the screen shit slows WAY down.  No need for name calling, that is not professional.  We also argued that the MD68000 did things better like 3D and yes the SNES did things like Mario Kart better due to it's architecture.  Who here doesn't think F Zero runs and lays great?  Neo Geo could simply use sprites to mimic the look as mentioned before but it wouldn't be the same.

Going back to wings the guy said that wings don't make cars faster, I argued they did, that is all.

No on to the bios :wink:
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 10:19:07 AM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #57 on: April 18, 2014, 10:44:47 AM »
Ay my china warrior decided to work again!


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #58 on: April 18, 2014, 11:10:33 AM »
I said "cars", not dragsters/f1/rocket cars/blah blah... you f*cking twat.  You even agreed with me (in the context in which I was clearly speaking- riced out shitty street cars) and it was entertaining for a while to troll you on and on, though i'll admit i don't give a single shit or know anything about cars other than that if I slapped a spoiler on my 4-banger I would not expect to go faster unless getting laughed at can make a car go faster.

And get it right: nobody has a grudge here, lots of people here just don't like ya.  Despite my calling you a f*cking twat and all that, I don't necessarily dislike you.  You just remind me of a guy i know who butts into any conversation and tries his damnedest to take control of the topic and position himself as the authority on whatever subject matter is being discussed, no matter how little he knows about said topic.  He's not a bad guy, but when he opens his mouth you can almost hear every eye in the room rolling in unison.

Cars do come with wings, factory installed, see Porsche, Lamborghini, Nisan GTR, Dodge Viper ACR (Which by the way help the fastest lap at the Nuremberg Ring for years based upon that MASSIVE wing on it's production car back, not possible without the wing in fact so that 100% proves my point by itself if you care to ignore everything else ever presented in aerodynamics ever) and my lowly Mitsu Lancer Evo which has a massive wing that eliminates lift at about 60 and creates tremendous downforce as speed increases.  They were installed to increase the speed of the car in every case, not one of them slows the car down.

twat?  Oh did baby boy get caught in a boo boo and him don't know how to say he made an oopsie so him's gotta cry in public?  How about you admit you got it wrong?  How about you admit a wing beyond a shadow of a doubt no matter how much you piss and moan makes a car go FASTER.  Lost of people don't like me  You keeping count?  You speaking for all of them?  Get caught making shit up and you fly off the handle like a wash woman with too much work and  piss an moan?

Just admit you were wrong, no amount of name calling, picture posting, crying, bitching will change that.  What did change was my opinion of you, no idea who you were but baby boy couldn't take a mild correction and flew off the handle, Jesus Christ I hope you don't fly off than handle like that at work, calm down, realize you made an oopsie and someone with a long LONG history in auto racing may have pointed out a misstep, most people would say "OK cool bro, now I know".
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 11:16:53 AM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #59 on: April 18, 2014, 11:13:01 AM »
I just want to say that Playstation 3 was 128 bits and Playstation 4 is only 64 bits. PS4 sucks.