Author Topic: Turbo Obsessed  (Read 4253 times)


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #60 on: April 18, 2014, 11:22:11 AM »
someone called this phase a "turbogasm". Once you get past it, you know you're really "in love" with the system.

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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #61 on: April 18, 2014, 11:23:31 AM »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.

Black Tiger

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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #62 on: April 18, 2014, 11:29:46 AM »
If I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE. 

More than that, dipshit.  We all agree that Earthworm Jim would lose some pizazz in parallax backgrounds, but your argument was that the PCE couldn't handle the sprite animation.  Hilarious.  And don't forget your claims that the PCE choked on SFII compared to "real" 16 bitters, using smaller sprites and running slower, or your adamant belief that the NeoGeo can pull off a perfect mode 7 game like Mario Kart?  Pure dipshittery, my friend.

As for the wing argument: some wings can indeed make some cars faster, and not just in corners either.  Saying that "wings = faster", however, is a gross oversimplification.

Man oh Man the grudge continues.  You guys really take this seriously.  I see Nullity still can't admit when he was wrong and he's floundering.  That said I played the MD Version and the PCE Version of SFII back to back and said I preferred the MD version as it had less slowdown, and it does have less slowdown.  Maybe my specific copy is broken but when 2 projectiles get on the screen shit slows WAY down.  No need for name calling, that is not professional.

It was pointed out that everyone else's copies behave the same as all the videos on youtube: the slowdown only exists in your imagination. Tom even sped up the PCE version to beyond Turbo speeds and it doesn't slowdown. Your copies of Altered Beast were also proven to be broken, as you insisted:

Look at f*cking Altered Beast?  Why is that shittyness ignored?  Apples to Apples MD Vs. PCE.  Great Animation intro thanks to CD Rom, great voice over, then 8-bit shittyness.  What excuse is there?  Why couldn't the game look as good as the MD?  Look how choppy and darty the animation is?  The music sounds like it's coming from a Halmark Music Card.  And now you tell me Earthworm Jim can come from this?

You're so fanatical to the point that you're literally delusional. Your problem in this state though, is that you don't just paint broad opinions like a typical fanboy, like "only Nintendo's games are legendary!". You continue to make quantifiable statements about things like slowdown, animation, detail, etc, that is so easy to prove unequivocally wrong.

When you were shown with full sprite rips, that the PCE version of Altered Beast has way more animation, plus better shading/color/detail, you simply dismissed image-based proof with "I'm sorry am I supposed to read all that?". So much for "Apples to Apples".

We also argued that the MD68000 did things better like 3D and yes the SNES did things like Mario Kart better due to it's architecture.  Who here doesn't think F Zero runs and lays great?  Neo Geo could simply use sprites to mimic the look as mentioned before but it wouldn't be the same.

What all of the programmers and tech experts agreed upon, is that the Neo Geo is the one console which definitely can't do, nor fake Mode 7.

One of your common delusional arguments is to regularly reference previous discussions, saying that everyone agreed with you. Except that in every single instance you bring up, it's always a discussion in which literally no one agreed with you, you were proven wrong by experts and labeled a troll or your intelligence was questioned.

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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #63 on: April 18, 2014, 11:35:05 AM »
WWII Nürburgring Trials.  :lol:
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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #64 on: April 18, 2014, 12:43:42 PM »
WWII Nürburgring Trials.  :lol:

hahah glad I'm not the only one who caught that.
Seriously guys go chill outside, get some fresh air. This discussion leads nowhere.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #65 on: April 18, 2014, 12:52:12 PM »
Teh Drama is everywhere I see :lol:


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #66 on: April 18, 2014, 03:07:29 PM »
Wah..wah..wahhhhhh. :3


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #67 on: April 18, 2014, 03:24:32 PM »
Teh Drama is everywhere I see :lol:

whenever EvilEvoIX joins a pce hail discussion, you can bet on your old aunt that the drama is gonna hit in very soon.
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #68 on: April 18, 2014, 03:30:59 PM »


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #69 on: April 18, 2014, 04:10:22 PM »

Black Tiger

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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #70 on: April 18, 2014, 04:17:40 PM »

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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #71 on: April 18, 2014, 04:30:17 PM »
Fixed. :3


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #72 on: April 18, 2014, 05:50:51 PM »
April 2014 was the month that will be remembered for the creation of the PCE Family meme



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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #73 on: April 20, 2014, 04:10:33 AM »
If I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE. 

More than that, dipshit.  We all agree that Earthworm Jim would lose some pizazz in parallax backgrounds, but your argument was that the PCE couldn't handle the sprite animation.  Hilarious.  And don't forget your claims that the PCE choked on SFII compared to "real" 16 bitters, using smaller sprites and running slower, or your adamant belief that the NeoGeo can pull off a perfect mode 7 game like Mario Kart?  Pure dipshittery, my friend.

As for the wing argument: some wings can indeed make some cars faster, and not just in corners either.  Saying that "wings = faster", however, is a gross oversimplification.

Man oh Man the grudge continues.  You guys really take this seriously.  I see Nullity still can't admit when he was wrong and he's floundering.  That said I played the MD Version and the PCE Version of SFII back to back and said I preferred the MD version as it had less slowdown, and it does have less slowdown.  Maybe my specific copy is broken but when 2 projectiles get on the screen shit slows WAY down.  No need for name calling, that is not professional.

It was pointed out that everyone else's copies behave the same as all the videos on youtube: the slowdown only exists in your imagination. Tom even sped up the PCE version to beyond Turbo speeds and it doesn't slowdown. Your copies of Altered Beast were also proven to be broken, as you insisted:

Look at f*cking Altered Beast?  Why is that shittyness ignored?  Apples to Apples MD Vs. PCE.  Great Animation intro thanks to CD Rom, great voice over, then 8-bit shittyness.  What excuse is there?  Why couldn't the game look as good as the MD?  Look how choppy and darty the animation is?  The music sounds like it's coming from a Halmark Music Card.  And now you tell me Earthworm Jim can come from this?

You're so fanatical to the point that you're literally delusional. Your problem in this state though, is that you don't just paint broad opinions like a typical fanboy, like "only Nintendo's games are legendary!". You continue to make quantifiable statements about things like slowdown, animation, detail, etc, that is so easy to prove unequivocally wrong.

When you were shown with full sprite rips, that the PCE version of Altered Beast has way more animation, plus better shading/color/detail, you simply dismissed image-based proof with "I'm sorry am I supposed to read all that?". So much for "Apples to Apples".

We also argued that the MD68000 did things better like 3D and yes the SNES did things like Mario Kart better due to it's architecture.  Who here doesn't think F Zero runs and lays great?  Neo Geo could simply use sprites to mimic the look as mentioned before but it wouldn't be the same.

What all of the programmers and tech experts agreed upon, is that the Neo Geo is the one console which definitely can't do, nor fake Mode 7.

One of your common delusional arguments is to regularly reference previous discussions, saying that everyone agreed with you. Except that in every single instance you bring up, it's always a discussion in which literally no one agreed with you, you were proven wrong by experts and labeled a troll or your intelligence was questioned.

I just don't get the extreme fanaticism, it's almost a cult.  This all stemmed from me making one comment on the hardware of the PCE, correcting a simple post IN THIS THREAD saying that it was superior in every way to other 16 bit consoles, I disagreed and yes even some of you know that.  I know what site this is I know a lot of people get butt hurt easily.  YES I prefer the MD Version of SFII and I feel it plays better than the PCE version with less slow down, sorry, it does.  Also I grew up on the MD version so, I am, you know, BIASED...  But guys act like he PCE is the END all BE all with far superiority, it's just another style in gaming during the generation.  You guys can't have that, you just can't and it' beyond me as to why you think it's relevant to destroy yet another thread over this shit, move on.  And yes the Neo Geo can spin a large sprite on the floor to mimic a mode 7 effect, an it work as well as he SNES Mode 7?  No, is your Butt still Hurt?  Yes....

Delusional?  I feel overall the MD has a better sound chip than the PCE, more channels, better music for sure IMHO.  Can the MD sound like shit, absolutely,  can you prefer the sound of the PCE over the MD, of course.  I prefer the NES sound chip especially concerning any and all things Mega Man, to me it sounds better then anything ever save for MUSHA on the MD. 

I have no idea why you feel the need to bring in old threads, it's like a way you want to keep fighting, it's over dude it ended 20 years ago an in North America the MD won by a land slide.  That's where I grew up and that is what the market dictated to me. 

Animation again, here we go.... Most of the animation added over the MD ports were comparing CD to Carts, it is not even close in terms of storage capacity.  This little fact is constantly getting ignored, no idea why but YES the PCE CD RULES, massive storage for sprites and CD quality music, it must be a miracle it beats a 4-8MB cart, MIRACLE!!!  I again brought up it is only fair to compare carts to carts (Hucards) and you all piped up that the PCE was a CD system to begin with or at least designed as such.  There is no winning (And I know that yet the war rages on) here may was well enter a Catholic Church and preach Muslim religion, I get that why don't you.

Programmer tech experts, right. Just because guys get in line to toot on their sausage doesn't make an expert.  There are some bright fellows here no doubt and I even got one down to admit on the CPU wars thread that the MD68000 was "Somewhat faster".  That's all I was saying,  I pointed out that some say it means it is faster.   Oh no, couldn't have that and the shit flew again.

  Again who cares, there is a whole hierarchy and pecking order on this site and some sort of dick sucking order I don't subscribe to.  What SHOULD be news to you guys is that some people, as silly as it may seem, think that the MD has superior hardware.  Some "Tech experts" believe as well, guess they are all wrong.  I am no expert and most of you are not.  Most of you prefer the PCE, I like it too, that's it.

Again, all this stemmed from me disagreeing that the PCE has superior hardware over all, I even posted that was a silly argument, but you guys still can't let it go.  I swear you guys like drama too much. 

Quote from: nullity

I'm a 35 year old man who likes to yell and scream profanities on the internet especially when I get proven wrong.  I like to type that I am laughing behind a computer to hide my shame.  I like to type twat because even at 35 years old I think this is the best naughty word I can come up with.  I take shit way to seriously as this is my life and I care only what strange men think because obviously there isn't any pussy on this site. 

Got it bro, Happy Easter and God Bless.

Teh Drama is everywhere I see :lol:

whenever EvilEvoIX joins a pce hail discussion, you can bet on your old aunt that the drama is gonna hit in very soon.

You know what, I'm beginning to think that people don't like me!

« Last Edit: April 20, 2014, 04:13:06 AM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #74 on: April 20, 2014, 12:33:21 PM »
there is a whole hierarchy and pecking order on this site and some sort of dick sucking order I don't subscribe to.

*gets in line*

Got it bro, Happy Easter and God Bless.
