Author Topic: Turbo Obsessed  (Read 4804 times)


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Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #105 on: April 24, 2014, 11:02:50 AM »
What the f*ck?
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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #106 on: April 24, 2014, 11:35:21 AM »
Proving without doubt more bits = better
32 bits of BBC power!


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #107 on: April 24, 2014, 12:33:49 PM »
Don't put words in my mouth and invent an new argument, I merely answered a general term on clock speed, you brought it back to the OH so tired yet oh so entertaining which system is bettereror fasterorist besters.  My comment was a simple comment on clock speed and only clock speed.  Get a letter, write out your feelings, and mail it back to 1989 if you wish to carry that tune on mips jesus christ.

But you were dead f*cking wrong on your assessment of what exactly a clock speed is, that's all I was saying. Not my fault that a perfect case example involved Obey vs Nobey. Didya know that instructions per clock are not 1:1 across architectures? Didya know that your dismissal of facts and accurate information as "whining" only confirm what I (and many others) have been saying about you?

Did you even read what I wrote?  Why are you still bitching?  You are grasping at straws right now and it's embarrassing.  My god the argument keeps changing and I don't even think you know wha you are arguing about.  Go read what I wrote about Address Space that'll clear things up.

Yes, i read what you wrote, and you were wrong.  What is embarrassing is that you continue to speak as if you were some kind of authority on the matter when you don't comprehend the basics.

Since you don't know what you said was wrong, let me underline the key parts that reveal your ignorance:

Clock Speed "The operating speed of a computer or its microprocessor, defined as the rate at which it performs internal operations and expressed in cycles per second"  Hmm, oh you mean how fast the microprocessor executes each instruction?  Oh and the faster the clock, the more instructions the CPU can execute per second, so how much work is DONE within a certain time and fast that work is done.   I could have sworn I just posted that, yet you took offense. 

Again, duckbater, MHz is Clock Cycles per second, not Instructions per second.  Instructions per clock cycle is something determined by the chips architecture.  The -same- CPU will run more instructions per second at a higher clock rate, but nobody is talking about that.  We're talking about how two CPUs compare.  Are you really so blind from jacking off to Howard the Duck that you can't see that you are, at best, completely out of context and, at worst, woefully ignorant about the subject at hand?

Kicking and scratching still?  I never crowned myself expert of anything, you yourself stated earlier that you hate “Know-It-All’s” and that just leads me to believe that you have just had an argument with the mirror.  Like I said before you are an authority of “Nothing” and neither am I.  I do however admit that I take nothing seriously and just enjoy a good conversation with someone who thinks they are an authority, it is silly to say the least.

Clock speed?  All I did was copy and paste, I believe you were so upset and ready to unleash whatever prepackage internet tirade you had prepared the night before on me, so desperate to sound important and put down your fellow man.  I believe that you’re the kinda guy who hears a cool line in the movies and steers a conversation to use it as it were your own.  If you enjoy making up arguments and acting them out on the internet have at it.

As for Howard the Duck, I would not beat off to him persay as he is a Male duck so I have to time my cum-shot to precisely 4:14 into the movie for some feathered boobage.  However, when Howard almost bangs Lea Thompson is a good thing to wait for to get some interspecies love.  That said I am DESPERATELY waiting for some interspecies fan art to bridge fantasy to reality.

ITs out resident DSM owner!!!!  Must be before he ate dunkin doughnuts out of munchkins.

Is that the Original Talon from the first TFATF?  That thing is just a NT 420A they couldn’t even mock up a fake FMIC for looks.  I still love that Car, at least my 95 TSI AWD it was fun and fast and no one had any idea what it was, they just thought it was some little hatch back but it had over 400WHP on a stock 4G63 so back in the 90’s that was moving.

16 bit                                                                          8bit

Clearly bits matter.

This is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there.  My argument pertains to CONTEMPORARY systems and I’ve repeated over and over again not one of the big three systems has an absolute hardware advantage.  I even expressly pointed out the difference and obvious evolution between a 16 Bit machine from the Late 70’s to the PCE’s much later 8-bit device and this nerd uses Sapphire, a CD rom game vs a what a 4KB game for the Intellivision?  And I’m delusional? 

Proving without doubt more bits = better
32 bits of BBC power!

I’m not even mad at you.  Your name is strangely homoerotic so PM me any time.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 12:36:35 PM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #108 on: April 24, 2014, 12:49:07 PM »

This is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there. 

You need to self reflect and ask why every forum I see you on, you are always arguing with others.

If you're not just a troll, don't you notice that? Is it always everyone else that's wrong and not you?


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #109 on: April 24, 2014, 12:54:02 PM »

This is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there. 

You need to self reflect and ask why every forum I see you on, you are always arguing with others.

If you're not just a troll, don't you notice that? Is it always everyone else that's wrong and not you?

You need to ask why this thread was hijacked and turned into a war room because I disagreed with a guy who said that the turbo was had superior hardware to all other contemporary "16-Bit" consoles within it's generation.  People are a bit touchy but yes I admit I like to fan the flames a bit but my god man it's not just me, people just like to argue on the internet.  I will try to cool it from here on out just for you. But you must admit that people get their panties in a bunch over Bit Wars and it began at the School lunch table in the 80's and here it exists till this day with men in their late 30's and 40's.  People proclaiming their internet superiority and expert level internet arguer it's just silly is all.  What it has to do with real life is beyond me but very entertaining. 
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 12:57:53 PM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #110 on: April 24, 2014, 01:24:54 PM »
tell me again how the bit count is playing such an important role?

Tell me again why people went to 16-32-64 bits and operating systems today are using 32 and 64 bit machines and not 8-Bit?  Hell my old IBM Compatible 386 from the 80's was 32BIT, there must be some reason for a juggernaut like IBM to use that configuration.  As smart as any of us think we are we are not as smart as the folks over at IBM.  I was even able to limp along a version of Doom on that bad boy until I got me a Pentium 60MHZ.   Basically, as most of us know the bit level is how many bits the controller can handle, that's it. 

that's exactly the point, in the PC biz they went already 32-bit or higher over f*cking 2.5 decades ago, and still we have a lot of new 32-bit system sold even today.

why was the PS3 128-bit but the PS4 is again only 64-bit? so that makes the PS4 half the good than the PS3 and equal to the PS2? why did they even bother to make the PS4 then, if they couldn't even rise it up to 256-bit?

why was the jaguar already 64-bit, but absolutely couldn't hold a candle against the PS1 and saturn? but hey wait, the PS4 is also only 64-bit?? so PS4 = Jaguar?
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games coundown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #111 on: April 24, 2014, 01:26:35 PM »
tell me again how the bit count is playing such an important role?

Tell me again why people went to 16-32-64 bits and operating systems today are using 32 and 64 bit machines and not 8-Bit?  Hell my old IBM Compatible 386 from the 80's was 32BIT, there must be some reason for a juggernaut like IBM to use that configuration.  As smart as any of us think we are we are not as smart as the folks over at IBM.  I was even able to limp along a version of Doom on that bad boy until I got me a Pentium 60MHZ.   Basically, as most of us know the bit level is how many bits the controller can handle, that's it. 

that's exactly the point, in the PC biz they went already 32-bit or higher over f*cking 2.5 decades ago, and still we have a lot of new 32-bit system sold even today.

why was the PS3 128-bit but the PS4 is again only 64-bit? so that makes the PS4 half the good than the PS3 and equal to the PS2? why did they even bother to make the PS4 then, if they couldn't even rise it up to 256-bit?

why was the jaguar already 64-bit, but absolutely couldn't hold a candle against the PS1 and saturn? but hey wait, the PS4 is also only 64-bit?? so PS4 = Jaguar?

You know you gotta speak slower with all this bit talk as I am really heating up my calculator at the moment and I can't quite keep up.  But did you just say that the Intellivision 16-Bit chip is just as powerful as the MD 16-bit chip and the one in the Neo Geo?  I think that Saturn has one too so that's 4 times 16 and carry the 2......  But hey wait if you run two PS4's concurrently it could equal the performance of a PS3 theoretically but I doubt Sony would wany you to do that but if you plug a 32X into an Atari Jaguar you get a pretty stout 96-Bit machine that has zero load times as it's all cart and if you use an Atari Lynx as a controller you get some serious action on the TV, im telling you.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 01:30:45 PM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #112 on: April 24, 2014, 01:35:07 PM »
sorry, but you were the sole guy in here that is defending the theory that bits matters, when in fact they absolutely DO NOT!
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games coundown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #113 on: April 24, 2014, 01:40:31 PM »
sorry, but you were the sole guy in here that is defending the theory that bits matters, when in fact they absolutely DO NOT!

Not once, not never.  Re read this entire thread, have at it, now if you excuse me I must continue my Email to Bill Gates explaining that even though he is no longer the head of Microsoft he should spear head an agenda to halt all planning and production of a 128 BIT operating system for the new OS and seriously consider an 8-Bit design.  I've learned well here and I carry the good news upward for humanity and all our 8-Bit brethren.  I forgive your accusations of 8-bit herasy and will prove my intentions shortly.

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.

Black Tiger

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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #114 on: April 24, 2014, 03:05:07 PM »
This is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there.  My argument pertains to CONTEMPORARY systems and I’ve repeated over and over again not one of the big three systems has an absolute hardware advantage.  I even expressly pointed out the difference and obvious evolution between a 16 Bit machine from the Late 70’s to the PCE’s much later 8-bit device and this nerd uses Sapphire, a CD rom game vs a what a 4KB game for the Intellivision?  And I’m delusional?

Yes, of course you are. As has been pointed out time and time again, so thoroughly that even a delusional person would understand, your delusional to the point that you can't accept the agreed upon fact that you're delusional. You first started all this 'Genesis>PCE-cuz-bits' crap on Sega-16, the Genesis-based site, where everyone(!) disagreed with you and were much harsher on you than anyone here. The fact that Genesis fans found your nonsense to be delusional is enough of a wake-up call to cure even the most delusional person.

The fact that you don't understand the basics of how CD games work, even after experts with experience programming PCE and Genesis software have explained to you simply, proves both your ignorance and how you should not be commenting on the technical abilities if the systems at all.

You continue to tout the potential of CD storage and ignore the fact that most PCE CD games have the same size of in-game content as cart games, only with the handicap of having to use only small portions at once, while cart games are relatively free to access pretty much anything any time. A 6 stage CD2 game is a <3 meg game. A 6 stage Super CD game is a <12 meg game. Factoring the redundant code and assets that have to be reused each time, the actual game sizes are much smaller.

But the fact remains that the PCE was a CD-based system since before day one. The CD combo is standard hardware. The CD-ROM was never an add-on and NEC would not have partnered on it if it was. In the end though, aside from CD sound and a bit of adpcm, it's still simply a delivery method, no different than carts, except for that major handicap.

You always bring up animation as the best measure of the ability/power/16-bit gen-ness of a console. The experts explained how the PCE is better at it than Genesis and SNES and you tell everyone that you alone truly know what is real or not. You cite Genesis games with animation that the PCE can't handle on a technical level, then ignore the PCE examples wich outdo them. Even if you credit extra storage for holding the frames of animation, memory is memory and storage is storage.

The base-PCE hardware is what runs it all and does the highest intensity of in-game animation from that generation, while also pushing extreme action and filling the screen with sprites. All of that while still sacrificing cpu power to run sound, while the Genesis and SNES don't take a hit running sound. It's that powerful. But it doesn't have to shoot for a potential benchmark, realized or not. You set the standard of measure when you named games with the defining level of animation. Once the PCE meets that level of animation, by your own standard it's as good as matters. The fact that it goes much further is superfluous to your standards.

But as you mentioned, you are delusional. Although you will change the rules you have just now set once again... here is an example which uses your own measure (animation from equal sized carts) of power/ability/16-bitted'tude/awesomeness, to prove yourself wrong... and it's the CONTEMPORARY game you always bring up as proof of the opposite :roll: :

4Mb 8-bit cart <------- VS -------> 4Mb 16-bit cart

By your own standard, simply count the frames and the PCE is superior. Simple arithmetic. Those of us with common sense, will also appreciate the superior shading, detail and seemingly generation-beyond coloring.

What would a person delusional enough to imagine non-existent slowdown in SFII' say about PCE Altered Beast animation versus Mega Drive?

Look at f*cking Altered Beast?  Why is that shittyness ignored?  Apples to Apples MD Vs. PCE.  Great Animation intro thanks to CD Rom, great voice over, then 8-bit shittyness.  What excuse is there?  Why couldn't the game look as good as the MD?  Look how choppy and darty the animation is?

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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #115 on: April 24, 2014, 03:29:38 PM »
Pretty!! but i like the way the sega side flickers on my laptop when I scroll the page, That's got to be worth its weight in gold.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #116 on: April 24, 2014, 03:54:58 PM »
This is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there.  My argument pertains to CONTEMPORARY systems and I’ve repeated over and over again not one of the big three systems has an absolute hardware advantage.  I even expressly pointed out the difference and obvious evolution between a 16 Bit machine from the Late 70’s to the PCE’s much later 8-bit device and this nerd uses Sapphire, a CD rom game vs a what a 4KB game for the Intellivision?  And I’m delusional?

Yes, of course you are. As has been pointed out time and time again, so thoroughly that even a delusional person would understand, your delusional to the point that you can't accept the agreed upon fact that you're delusional. You first started all this 'Genesis>PCE-cuz-bits' crap on Sega-16, the Genesis-based site, where everyone(!) disagreed with you and were much harsher on you than anyone here. The fact that Genesis fans found your nonsense to be delusional is enough of a wake-up call to cure even the most delusional person.

The fact that you don't understand the basics of how CD games work, even after experts with experience programming PCE and Genesis software have explained to you simply, proves both your ignorance and how you should not be commenting on the technical abilities if the systems at all.

You continue to tout the potential of CD storage and ignore the fact that most PCE CD games have the same size of in-game content as cart games, only with the handicap of having to use only small portions at once, while cart games are relatively free to access pretty much anything any time. A 6 stage CD2 game is a <3 meg game. A 6 stage Super CD game is a <12 meg game. Factoring the redundant code and assets that have to be reused each time, the actual game sizes are much smaller.

But the fact remains that the PCE was a CD-based system since before day one. The CD combo is standard hardware. The CD-ROM was never an add-on and NEC would not have partnered on it if it was. In the end though, aside from CD sound and a bit of adpcm, it's still simply a delivery method, no different than carts, except for that major handicap.

You always bring up animation as the best measure of the ability/power/16-bit gen-ness of a console. The experts explained how the PCE is better at it than Genesis and SNES and you tell everyone that you alone truly know what is real or not. You cite Genesis games with animation that the PCE can't handle on a technical level, then ignore the PCE examples wich outdo them. Even if you credit extra storage for holding the frames of animation, memory is memory and storage is storage.

The base-PCE hardware is what runs it all and does the highest intensity of in-game animation from that generation, while also pushing extreme action and filling the screen with sprites. All of that while still sacrificing cpu power to run sound, while the Genesis and SNES don't take a hit running sound. It's that powerful. But it doesn't have to shoot for a potential benchmark, realized or not. You set the standard of measure when you named games with the defining level of animation. Once the PCE meets that level of animation, by your own standard it's as good as matters. The fact that it goes much further is superfluous to your standards.

But as you mentioned, you are delusional. Although you will change the rules you have just now set once again... here is an example which uses your own measure (animation from equal sized carts) of power/ability/16-bitted'tude/awesomeness, to prove yourself wrong... and it's the CONTEMPORARY game you always bring up as proof of the opposite :roll: :

4Mb 8-bit cart <------- VS -------> 4Mb 16-bit cart

By your own standard, simply count the frames and the PCE is superior. Simple arithmetic. Those of us with common sense, will also appreciate the superior shading, detail and seemingly generation-beyond coloring.

What would a person delusional enough to imagine non-existent slowdown in SFII' say about PCE Altered Beast animation versus Mega Drive?

Look at f*cking Altered Beast?  Why is that shittyness ignored?  Apples to Apples MD Vs. PCE.  Great Animation intro thanks to CD Rom, great voice over, then 8-bit shittyness.  What excuse is there?  Why couldn't the game look as good as the MD?  Look how choppy and darty the animation is?

This again? Did you post sprites again?  Awwww, how cute.  But did you just seriously compare the PCE port of Altered Beast to the Sega Genesis version (A laucnh title for thos take notes).  Lets take a look shall we?

The PCE Hu Card version?

While not a total POS but is lacking in terms of the Sega Genesis which is just a launch title to begin with.  The Music and sound is inferior as you will most certainly agree, the Main Character Sprite has drop-out and flicker because of sprite limitations but you already know that but refuse to admit or acknowledge it.  There is no sampled speech to speak of.  There is no parallax (the Arcade version lacked it so that can be overlook but the Genny had it and we all know the PCE can do multiprocessing if we ask it nicely). 

Now let's look at the Mega Drive version shall we?

So your going to tell me that doesn't look better, at all  It isn't a perfect conversion but your not just going to ignore that the MD has the superior port now?  You can PREFER he PCE port all you want, that is fine but no amount of Turbo Love will make this a fact.

Moving on....

Was the PCE/Turbo a CD system since before day one?  I could have sworn that the TG16 and PCE was just a Huey until you bought the world’s first CD attachment for console gamers?  I mean I thought the PCE came out in October 1987 and then the CD system came out over a year later in December 1988?  I could have sworn that pack in game wasn't an Arcade card and Sapphire.  I must be really rusty on my Turbo history but I wasn't sure that the system was a Hucard/CD system on launch date with all the System Bios cards on day one.  I will look into that thank you for pointing that out.  That said and do me a favor and look up the term Revisionist History" will you?

I know you have a hard on for this system, I know dude, and you keep trying to tout its superiority and I commend you for you tireless efforts of re-posting the same propaganda you and you band of merry men who proclaim themselves experts in a land where maybe 5 people give a shit, but on what planet is Res Q going to work out on the PCE?  You know what I mentioned MANY games on the MD and SNES that just wouldn’t even come close on the PCE hardware, your excuse?

Quote from: Black Tiger
  “Well if it was were the when what but maybe it could but didn’t”.

I even got you to admit that some of the “Pizazz” would disappear from later 16-Bit gems if they were somehow ported over like say EWJ 2 or The Vector Mans, F-Zero’s and Metroid’s and how smooth and seamless they ran for their respective systems with amazing music and sound and these games pass you by, don’t even register a blip and yet the battle cry of “The PCE can do it better!!”.  You got what Sapphire?  How much is that game?  Did you even listen to the sound effects for gun fire in that game?  That doesn't take you out of it?  It's a great shooter and I've played it many times but that is all I hear.  Do you just ignore the 6 channel sound and the “poppy and scratchiness” but why am I arguing?  You won’t listen?  You’ll post 300 pages of animation from a CD GAME THAT CAN EASILY STORE SO MUCH MORE THAN A CART AND YET YOU DON'T ADMIT THE DIFFERENCE, seriously this cannot be ignored but hey, give this a shot, how about you ignore me, there seems to be a button on this site that allows you to ignore people.

One last TIME, for the love of Christ.  The PCE does PCE games best, the MD does MD games best, the SNES does SNES games.  I prefer MD games, I feel, to me, they play better, they have smoother animation to me.  I know Blazing Lasers won’t look as good on the MD, I know Sapphire wouldn't look as good even on the Sega CD due to color limitations.  I get all that, but you are a fan boi, and a fan boi cannot be reasoned with can't be bargained with, can't be swayed or anything.  I atleast admit to the short comings  of the MD and even point out ports that are indeed better on the PCE, you think the system is superior across the board, that is obviously wrong and I argued against that And here you go again.  Just do me a favor and read this thread properly before another prepackaged rant.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 04:08:08 PM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #117 on: April 24, 2014, 04:07:58 PM »
This is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there.  My argument pertains to CONTEMPORARY systems and I’ve repeated over and over again not one of the big three systems has an absolute hardware advantage.  I even expressly pointed out the difference and obvious evolution between a 16 Bit machine from the Late 70’s to the PCE’s much later 8-bit device and this nerd uses Sapphire, a CD rom game vs a what a 4KB game for the Intellivision?  And I’m delusional?

Yes, of course you are. As has been pointed out time and time again, so thoroughly that even a delusional person would understand, your delusional to the point that you can't accept the agreed upon fact that you're delusional. You first started all this 'Genesis>PCE-cuz-bits' crap on Sega-16, the Genesis-based site, where everyone(!) disagreed with you and were much harsher on you than anyone here. The fact that Genesis fans found your nonsense to be delusional is enough of a wake-up call to cure even the most delusional person.

The fact that you don't understand the basics of how CD games work, even after experts with experience programming PCE and Genesis software have explained to you simply, proves both your ignorance and how you should not be commenting on the technical abilities if the systems at all.

You continue to tout the potential of CD storage and ignore the fact that most PCE CD games have the same size of in-game content as cart games, only with the handicap of having to use only small portions at once, while cart games are relatively free to access pretty much anything any time. A 6 stage CD2 game is a <3 meg game. A 6 stage Super CD game is a <12 meg game. Factoring the redundant code and assets that have to be reused each time, the actual game sizes are much smaller.

But the fact remains that the PCE was a CD-based system since before day one. The CD combo is standard hardware. The CD-ROM was never an add-on and NEC would not have partnered on it if it was. In the end though, aside from CD sound and a bit of adpcm, it's still simply a delivery method, no different than carts, except for that major handicap.

You always bring up animation as the best measure of the ability/power/16-bit gen-ness of a console. The experts explained how the PCE is better at it than Genesis and SNES and you tell everyone that you alone truly know what is real or not. You cite Genesis games with animation that the PCE can't handle on a technical level, then ignore the PCE examples wich outdo them. Even if you credit extra storage for holding the frames of animation, memory is memory and storage is storage.

The base-PCE hardware is what runs it all and does the highest intensity of in-game animation from that generation, while also pushing extreme action and filling the screen with sprites. All of that while still sacrificing cpu power to run sound, while the Genesis and SNES don't take a hit running sound. It's that powerful. But it doesn't have to shoot for a potential benchmark, realized or not. You set the standard of measure when you named games with the defining level of animation. Once the PCE meets that level of animation, by your own standard it's as good as matters. The fact that it goes much further is superfluous to your standards.

But as you mentioned, you are delusional. Although you will change the rules you have just now set once again... here is an example which uses your own measure (animation from equal sized carts) of power/ability/16-bitted'tude/awesomeness, to prove yourself wrong... and it's the CONTEMPORARY game you always bring up as proof of the opposite :roll: :

4Mb 8-bit cart <------- VS -------> 4Mb 16-bit cart

By your own standard, simply count the frames and the PCE is superior. Simple arithmetic. Those of us with common sense, will also appreciate the superior shading, detail and seemingly generation-beyond coloring.

What would a person delusional enough to imagine non-existent slowdown in SFII' say about PCE Altered Beast animation versus Mega Drive?

Look at f*cking Altered Beast?  Why is that shittyness ignored?  Apples to Apples MD Vs. PCE.  Great Animation intro thanks to CD Rom, great voice over, then 8-bit shittyness.  What excuse is there?  Why couldn't the game look as good as the MD?  Look how choppy and darty the animation is?

This again? Did you post sprites again?  Awwww, how cute.  But did you just seriously compare the PCE port of Altered Beast to the Sega Genesis version (A laucnh title for thos take notes).  Lets take a look shall we?

The PCE Hu Card version?

While not a total POS but is lacking in terms of the Sega Genesis which is just a launch title to begin with.  The Music and sound is inferior as you will most certainly agree, the Main Character Sprite has drop-out and flicker because of sprite limitations but you already know that but refuse to admit or acknowledge it.  There is no sampled speech to speak of.  There is no parallax (the Arcade version lacked it so that can be overlook but the Genny had it and we all know the PCE can do multiprocessing if we ask it nicely). 

Now let's look at the Mega Drive version shall we?

So your going to tell me that doesn't look better, at all  It isn't a perfect conversion but your not just going to ignore that the MD has the superior port now?  You can PREFER he PCE port all you want, that is fine but no amount of Turbo Love will make this a fact.

Moving on....

Was the PCE/Turbo a CD system since before day one?  I could have sworn that the TG16 and PCE was just a Huey until you bought the world’s first CD attachment for console gamers?  I mean I thought the PCE came out in October 1987 and then the CD system came out over a year later in December 1988?  I could have sworn that pack in game wasn't an Arcade card and Sapphire.  I must be really rusty on my Turbo history but I wasn't sure that the system was a Hucard/CD system on launch date with all the System Bios cards on day one.  I will look into that thank you for pointing that out.  That said and do me a favor and look up the term Revisionist History" will you?

I know you have a hard on for this system, I know dude, and you keep trying to tout its superiority and I commend you for you tireless efforts of re-posting the same propaganda you and you band of merry men who proclaim themselves experts in a land where maybe 5 people give a shit, but on what planet is Res Q going to work out on the PCE?  You know what I mentioned MANY games on the MD and SNES that just wouldn’t even come close on the PCE hardware, your excuse?

Quote from: Black Tiger
  “Well if it was were the when what but maybe it could but didn’t”.

I even got you to admit that some of the “Pizazz” would disappear from later 16-Bit gems if they were somehow ported over like say EWJ 2 or The Vector Mans, F-Zero’s and Metroid’s and how smooth and seamless they ran for their respective systems with amazing music and sound and these games pass you by, don’t even register a blip and yet the battle cry of “The PCE can do it better!!”.  You got what Sapphire?  How much is that game?  Did you even listen to the sound effects for gun fire in that game?  That doesn't take you out of it?  It's a great shooter and I've played it many times but that is all I hear.  Do you just ignore the 6 channel sound and the “poppy and scratchiness” but why am I arguing?  You won’t listen?  You’ll post 300 pages of animation from a CD GAME THAT CAN EASILY STORE SO MUCH MORE THAN A CART AND YET YOU DON'T ADMIT THE DIFFERENCE, seriously this cannot be ignored but hey, give this a shot, how about you ignore me, there seems to be a button on this site that allows you to ignore people.

One last TIME, for the love of Christ.  The PCE does PCE games best, the MD does MD games best, the SNES does SNES games.  I prefer MD games, I feel, to me, they play better, they have smoother animation to me.  I know Blazing Lasers won’t look as good on the MD, I know Sapphire wouldn't look as good even on the Sega CD due to color limitations.  I get all that, but you are a fan boi, and a fan boi cannot be reasoned with can't be bargained with, can't be swayed or anything.  And her you go again.  Just do me a favor and read this thread properly before another prepackaged rant.

I think they mean the system was planned to have the cd attachment during the early development phase. Like pencil and paper idea days. It is well documented that this was intended from the start. You don't really believe the huge port on the back was created for just the turbo booster? No it was planned since day one to have the cd attachment.


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #118 on: April 24, 2014, 04:12:31 PM »
sorry, but you were the sole guy in here that is defending the theory that bits matters, when in fact they absolutely DO NOT!
not never. 

yeah exactly "not never = all the time".

do you even forget what you wrote uncountable times already?
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games coundown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Turbo Obsessed
« Reply #119 on: April 24, 2014, 04:13:54 PM »
Quote from: Ninja16608
I think they mean the system was planned to have the cd attachment during the early development phase. Like pencil and paper idea days. It is well documented that this was intended from the start. You don't really believe the huge port on the back was created for just the turbo booster? No it was planned since day one to have the cd attachment.

Listen buddy I am sure it was but the nut said the following...

Quote from: Black Tiger
But the fact remains that the PCE was a CD-based system since before day one. The CD combo is standard hardware. The CD-ROM was never an add-on

Never an Add-on?  A CD system since before day one?  Standard Hardware?  That's just delusional.  The MD has a nice expansion slot and I'm sure the CD drive was in the cards early on but I would never call it "Standard" equipment.  You know fully well the SNES had the idea for a CD add-on from day one as the PCE and MD had it by 1990 and 1991 respectively.  But there just seems to be a mountain of evidence of hundreds of PCE Huey's out there that make me think otherwise.  Like I said before, be a fan of the system not this over the top shit.

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.