For Sale:
Entire US TurboGrafx 16 TurboChip (cartridge/HuCard) library.........except for Magical Chase...
93 Games. 1 yard worth of TG16 games. No duplicates.
Picture gallery (gallery has higher resolution pics than forum attachment pics): have card, manual, jewel case, & card sleeve. No cardboard boxes or plastic box trays. All tested good.
Almost all games are in good/great condition. Deviations from good condition are noted--if a condition is not specified, consider it to be good. "Good" = slight manual whitening at spine or a minor corner fold, light scratches on case, a little insertion wear on card, shallow spine sticker concavities over case holes, etc. I quickly flipped through every page of every manual & saw no writing, tearing, severe folding, water damage, etc. Condition of clear jewel case fronts not noted, as they're generic CD case fronts & they're a dime a dozen. I think I've been conservative in my condition assessments.
All games that didn't include jewel cases when released originally (the later TTi releases) now have cases from "donor" common games, where I removed the original spine sticker, cleaned up the case with alcohol, & applied a high-quality reproduction spine sticker made by user Sparky. I also believe that there are 1 or 2 games that originally came with a jewel case but I've used a donor case & Sparky sticker.
I want to sell these as 1 big fat lot. Please don't ask me to split it up at this time. Shipping will be from Pasadena, CA, USA. The 93 games are currently in a 26"x17"x9" tub that weighs about 32 pounds, if you want to estimate shipping cost when they're packaged carefully--probably split into 2 more manageable packages. I will ship abroad, with insurance & tracking, but be aware that it will cost tons. (In the hopes that I'll find a local buyer, I'm not yet investing the effort of packing them up in shipping boxes.)
I've gone through & looked at low & high completed eBay listing prices, generally ignoring shipping prices (tricky when shipping is sometimes free on a listing or calculated based on buyer location...). There were a few instances where I couldn't find completed listings, so I looked at active listings & estimated. Summing up the low & high prices of all 93 games resulted in totals of $2,905 & $4,955. (Just think, you could buy 93 of the 94 US TurboChips for much less than buying Magical Chase alone!!!)
Please make a fair offer on the whole lot plus shipping. I know, I know, generally, buying a set of games individually vs. buying the same set in 1 bulk lot results in a higher total price paid, but I've never seen a lot like this, so my biased opinion as a seller is that this whole may be worth than the sum of its parts. We'll see what the Price Police say. :]
I am posting this to several locations.
Copy & paste of spreadsheet for the Google Drive-challenged:
Aero Blasters NEC TGM069129012M $35 $75 Good condition
Air Zonk Hudson TGX040084 $91 $130 Good condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Alien Crush NEC TGM015789150M $9 $25 Good condition
Andre Panza Kick Boxing NEC TGM087129122M $11 $17 Good condition
Ballistix NEC TGM071019133M $10 $25 Good condition
Battle Royale NEC TGM071019133M $7 $20 A little case & manual wear
Blazing Lazers NEC TGM022989120M $6 $30 Good condition
Bloody Wolf NEC TGM049079020M $15 $50 A little spine sticker & manual wear
Bomberman NEC TGM072049151M $33 $47 A little card & case & manual wear
Bomberman '93 NEC TGX040093 $100 $100 Good condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Bonk 3: Bonk's Big Adventure TTi TGX080097 $160 $280 Gentle manual wrinkling, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Bonk's Adventure NEC TGM041039057M $15 $35 A little spine sticker wear
Bonk's Revenge NEC TGM078089155M $26 $45 Good condition
Boxy Boy NEC TGM061109033M $18 $20 Good condition
Bravoman NEC TGM056099027M $18 $29 Card retention clip broken off of jewel case back
Cadash Working Designs ? $47 $90 Good condition
Champions Forever Boxing NEC TGM081109143M $20 $20 Good condition
Chase H.Q. Taito TGX030096 $75 $140 A little manual wear, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Chew-Man-Fu NEC TGM048079010M $45 $55 Good condition
China Warrior NEC TGM023989100M $10 $13 Good condition
Cratermaze NEC TGM039029075M $19 $27 A little spine sticker wear
Cyber-Core NEC TGM044059015M $20 $40 Good condition
Darkwing Duck Turbo Technologies TGM08801912M $81 $81 Some manual wrinkling, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Davis Cup Tennis Loriciel TGM084119113M $4 $6 Good condition
Dead Moon Natsume TGX040081 $41 $80 Originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Deep Blue Pack-In Video TGM035019040M $30 $40 A little spine sticker wear
Devil's Crush Naxat TGM051089030M $20 $70 Good condition, store sticker on back of card--will come off w/ alcohol & rag
Double Dungeons NEC TGM047069015M $29 $35 Good condition
Dragon Spirit Namco TGM02198980M $26 $55 Card retention clip broken off of jewel case back
Dragon's Curse NEC TGM052089038M $35 $70 Good condition
Drop Off NEC TGM062109029M $20 $20 "90" written neatly on end of case spine sticker
Dungeon Explorer Atlus TGM008789150M $17 $39 Good condition
Falcon Sphere TGX040067 $13 $17 Good condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Fantasy Zone NEC TGM028108930M $15 $40 A little spine sticker wear
Final Lap Twin NEC TGM0321289105M $11 $15 A little spine sticker & manual wear
Galaga '90 NEC TGM02098996M $15 $25 A little spine sticker & manual wear
Ghost Manor NEC TGX040076 $46 $55 Great condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Gunboat NEC TGM094039212M $17 $25 A little manual wear
Hit The Ice Taito TGX030095 $34 $34 Good condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Impossamole Gremlin Graphics TGM083119113M $18 $25 Good condition
J. J. & Jeff NEC TGM037019080M $15 $25 A little spine sticker wear, moderate manual wear
Jack Nicklaus Golf Accolade ATGX02JTTG $8 $16 A little spine sticker & manual wear
Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu Hudson TGX040079 $80 $100 Good condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Keith Courage in Alpha Zones NEC TGM004589475M $1 $14 Great condition
King of Casino NEC TGM045059010M $9 $15 A little spine sticker wear
KLAX Tengen ? $8 $31 A little spine sticker wear
Legend of Hero Tonma Irem TGX040083 $255 $400 Great condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Legendary Axe II Victor Musical Industries TGM066119082M $21 $45 Moderate spine sticker & manual wear
Legendary Axe, The Victor Musical Industries TGM013789150M $15 $40 A little spine sticker wear
Military Madness NEC TGM036019040M $24 $50 A little manual wear
MotoRoader NEC TGM027108930M $12 $21 A little spine sticker wear
Neutopia NEC TGM042039057M $26 $65 A little manual wear
Neutopia II Hudson TGHC920001 $135 $210 Good condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
New Adventure Island NEC TGX040080 $75 $77 Great condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Night Creatures Manley & Associates TGM091039212M $25 $27 Good condition
Ninja Spirit NEC TGM064109082M $20 $39 A little spine sticker & manual wear
Order of the Griffon SSi TGX040072 $70 $90 Great condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Ordyne NEC TGM034019040M $19 $50 A little spine sticker & manual wear
Pac-Land Namco TGM0311289105M $6 $15 Good condition
Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III Working Designs ? $50 $99 Good condition
Power Golf NEC TGM01998996M $3 $4 A little spine sticker & manual wear
Psychosis NEC TGM054089038M $38 $50 Great condition
R-Type Irem TGM024108950M $25 $133 Good condition, has Sparky spine label (I think)*
Raiden NEC TGM089119124M $36 $90 A litlte spine sticker wrinkling
Samurai-Ghost NEC TGX040085 $40 $110 A little manual wear on back page, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Shockman NCS TGX040087 $75 $130 Very slight manual wrinkling, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Sidearms Radiance RTGX10001 $13 $18 Good condition
Silent Debuggers NEC TGM080109113M $16 $30 Very slight spine sticker wear
Sinistron IGS ? $20 $32 A little spine sticker & manual wear
Soldier Blade Hudson TGX040082 $71 $125 Great condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Somer Assault Atlus TGX040089 $80 $80 Great condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Sonic Spike IGS ? $6 $27 Good condition
Space Harrier NEC TGM033019040M $10 $33 A little manual wear, has Sparky spine label (I think)*
Splatterhouse NEC TGM053089078M $27 $80 Good condition
Super Star Soldier NEC TGM072029152M $75 $130 Very slight spine sticker wear
Super Volleyball NEC TGM059099035M $3 $25 Great condition
Takin' It To The Hoop NEC TGM038019050M $5 $10 A little spine sticker & manual wear
Talespin, Disney's NEC TGM076079110M $13 $33 Great condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Tiger Road Victor Musical Industries TGM067119027M $20 $34 A little spine sticker wear
Time Cruise Face ? $35 $35 Good condition, originally never had jewel case, has Sparky spine label*
Timeball NEC TGM046069010M $16 $20 Good condition
Tricky Kick IGS ? $11 $18 Great conditon
Turrican Ballistic ? $22 $51 A little spine sticker wear
TV Sports Basketball Cinemaware TGM074069110M $6 $16 A little spine sticker wear
TV Sports Football Cinemaware TGM0600990102M $6 $6 A little spine sticker wear
TV Sports Hockey Cinemaware TGM077089152M $3 $13 A little spine sticker wear
Veigues: Tactical Gladiator NEC TGM068129024M $15 $25 A little spine sticker wear
Victory Run NEC TGM014789150M $5 $18 Good condition
Vigilante NEC TGM016889150M $9 $20 A little manual wear
World Class Baseball Hudson TGM0261089105M $2 $9 +2 player stats booklets, a little manual & spine sticker wear, sleeve stickiness
World Court Tennis Namco TGM029108960M $8 $15 A litltle spine sticker wear
World Sports Competition Hudson TGX040092 $41 $41 Moderate manual wear
Yo' Bro NEC TGM077089111M $14 $20 A little spine sticker wear