Author Topic: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?  (Read 8648 times)


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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #90 on: April 26, 2014, 01:28:56 PM »
Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.  Can't wait to check out the finished product.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93

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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #91 on: April 26, 2014, 03:55:12 PM »
Nope. From the beginning, this project was about seeing if we could do it from scratch. If we could have solved the through-hole problem, we would be using self-etched boards, as well :)

Btw: this is only #2 of the tri-fecta :) An ACD would make it complete :)

What about a CD-ROMROM game?

...or LD-ROM? :wink:

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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #92 on: April 26, 2014, 04:28:01 PM »
Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.
You're welcome. We are not trying to hide anything about the process, so ask away.

What about a CD-ROMROM game?...or LD-ROM?

Which one? Insanity or PP ?
I'm talking a game that uses the arcade card - all of it, if possible.
(And if things go right, it will be backwards compatible with older system cards. Just not as flashy)

And I have 0 interest in laserdiscs.

I wrote my previous message under the assumption that "a lot" of time goes into manufacturing Atlantean, but I had no idea it was on the level of what TheOldMan described.

Go back and read again. Yes, it's time-consuming, but a lot of things can overlap, or don't require me to be there. I typically:

1) start the printer up, printing the card plate. I know that's gonna take a while, but I don't have
to watch it every minute.
2) Heat the soldering iron. Now I can start on the cards. I can usually get 1 or 2 done before the printer decides if it's gonna be okay or not. If it is, I keep going, till it finishes, or I have 5 cards soldered.
3) Kill the printer, so I can remove the plate. While that's hapening, I set up for mounting the card.
4) Remove the cd plate, and re-start the printer. If I'm lucky, and the printer is in a good mood, I can get another one done. If not, or if I had to stop it for some reason, I can still start another one today.
5) Mount the cards, and test them. By the time the second plate is done, I know which cards are good and which need fixed; I'm getting better at it, and usually only have 1-2 failures.
6) Kill the printer, and remove the second plate. That's probably it for today.

Start printing more plates. While that's going, I fix any problem cards. If I'm out of other pieces, that's what I print later. Otherwise, I make sure all the cards work, and catch up until I have 5 good, working cards. Note that I'm 2 cards ahead of the printer.

Again, more plates or other pieces. With luck, by the end of the day, I'm caught up with everything, and have 5 ready to go cards. Take note: this is usually the printers day, and I can do other things if needed.

This is down-time for the printer, usually. I clean it and grease it, and run a few other 'fun' things to make sure it's still calibrated and ready to go. If anything broke, I make another spare - I used the last one when I fixed it before :) If it's been a bad week, I catch up on plates or other stuff.

It sounds like a lot of work, but ...... I spend one morning soldering; I spend another mounting and testing. Other than that, I'm pretty free to do other things. I just have to check the printer every hour or so. It's doing all the slow stuff :)


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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #93 on: April 26, 2014, 08:04:19 PM »
Of course, I plan on getting one!


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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #94 on: April 27, 2014, 11:17:16 AM »
Yeah I'll never delegate work to China.   I don't want a Magical Watermelon Super Mega Enhanced CD fiasco on my hands due to Chang's Replication Emporium doing a shitty job.

When we open up sales, I'm not going to turn away extra money any of you feel like you want to pay.  It's just going to go into the card funding anyway.

Unless one of you wiseasses donates like 10,000$.    That would immediately go into hookers, cocaine, and sunglasses.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #95 on: April 27, 2014, 12:34:01 PM »
and sunglasses.

Gotta look good. Approval.


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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #96 on: April 27, 2014, 12:56:57 PM »
Mind if I ask what kind of 3D printer you're using? I didn't knew they were durable enough to do cartridge shells and such. Guess I'm not up to date on current DIY 3D printing technology.


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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #97 on: April 27, 2014, 01:00:05 PM »
5 no votes.....  wtf??


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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #98 on: April 27, 2014, 02:14:50 PM »
Mind if I ask what kind of 3D printer you're using?
Something called a 'solidoodle'. We got it right after their kickstarter ended, and I've done quite a few mods to it.  If you're looking for one, get the model 3 with the 8x8 bed, and an e3d hot-end. Also check out the forum (google soliforum) - the guys there have been really helpful in figuring out how to tune it.

It's still hit-or-miss tech, though. Sometimes I can run 100+ hours without anything going wrong / breaking. Other times, it seems like it dies every other day :) But I think the quick failures are more from me trying to hurry getting it fixed rather than major design flaws. From what I've read, I'm doing pretty well with the repetative nature of the things I print.

I didn't knew they were durable enough to do cartridge shells and such.
ABS is pretty tough stuff.  Its used for a lot of plastic cases for things.


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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #99 on: April 27, 2014, 06:25:26 PM »
ABS is pretty tough stuff.  Its used for a lot of plastic cases for things.

I remember learning about ABS in plastics class in high school, from stands for ack-rill-lonny-tril (lol) butadene (lol pt 2) styrene, yes?

All I can remember is what it stood for, if that's even it. Wowzers. That class was actually fun. I miss embedding random stuffs in plastic to make keychains and what-have-you.



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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #100 on: April 28, 2014, 05:06:11 PM »
I bet you guys are waiting for the day you can afford to upgrade to a newer printer model. Some of the newer ones are quite flexible and quality, at a much better price. Then again, considering you've been working with what you have for a while, might be better to stick with the devil you know.

Still more ground to cover in plastics printing, though. 3D replication is really a fantastic technology that we've only just begun to tap.
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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #101 on: April 28, 2014, 06:11:06 PM »
I bet you guys are waiting for the day you can afford to upgrade to a newer printer model.
Not really. I see a lot of printers trying to get started, but when you look at the specs, it's pretty much the same machine. I chose what I chose based on the following:

Does it do both ABS and PLA? Can I run any other filaments (nylon, platic wood, etc)?
What kind of resolution does it have? 0.30 mm layers? How about 0.20mm? 0.10mm?
What size nozzels does it use? Can I easily change it from 0.40 to 0.25 or smaller?
Does it require special filament cartridges? How much is filament for it, anyway?
How big of a print can I do? How long does it take for the bed to heat?
Where is it made? How much is it? How much is shipping?
Is it actually in production, and being used, or is it still in kickstarter?

The one I have does PLA/ABS, out of the box. With an e3d hot end, there isn't much I can't print on it.
(Yes, the e3d will do fake wood, nylon, and a hand full of others, including a conductive plastic)
I ususally run at 0.30mm layers - but that's a matter of speed. I have used a smaller nozzle (0.25 opening) and done prints at 0.10 mm layers, but they take forever. They look nice, though.
Filament for the thing is a standard 1.75mm, available most anywhere. It's a bit expensive (2lbs for ~$50, without shipping) but a filament extruder would bring that price down - a lot (~$5/lb)
The bed is 6x6, so theoretically I can do a print that size. The cd plates are actually about 5 3/4 x 5 3/4, and I don't have too many problems, other than the nozzle clogging. And that's a very, very common problem for all these type of printers. I have reduced that drastically with the e3d, though.
The bed heats pretty slowly (about 15 min) but there are options to fix that, too. I just haven't seen a need for it. 15 min on the internet while waiting for the bed to heat is just about right  to read the forums :)
It's made in the USA, so that's a plus. It was about $800 when I bought it, including shipping and some filament - but the newer models (the sd2 basic) are down to $399, last I checked (sans shipping and filament).
Most importantly, it was actually in production at the time. I watched their forums, and read the feedback on the initial models. A lot of people were surprised at how well it worked for the price. I got a lot of advice and information there before I actually ordered one - and a lot of advice getting it to print nicely (especially at 0.10mm ) and what to upgrade, in what order.

Just as importantly, however, is the fact that it is all open-source. I can look on thingiverse and find all the plastic parts - and in many cases, better versions of them. I can merge the latest changes in Marlin/Sprinter to update the controller. I'm not stuck using someones proprietary 'fork' of the software, and I can use any slicer and/or frontend I want. I'm told that I can start from scratch and build one for way less $$, but thats a little beyond me, mechanically. (Tools and I don't mix well)

All in all, I don't see any 'must-have' features in the newer printers, or even much of an upgrade over what I have. I do have to say that it's a hard machine to kill, too. I've screwed up just about everything you can screw up ("How exactly did you melt the hot end?"), but I've been able to get it running - and printing nicely- time and time again. Even when I blew up the controller board.

....Now if there were a cheap laser/resin printer, maybe.


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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #102 on: April 29, 2014, 12:24:55 AM »
ABS is pretty tough stuff.  Its used for a lot of plastic cases for things.

I remember learning about ABS in plastics class in high school, from stands for ack-rill-lonny-tril (lol) butadene (lol pt 2) styrene, yes?

All I can remember is what it stood for, if that's even it. Wowzers. That class was actually fun. I miss embedding random stuffs in plastic to make keychains and what-have-you.


Your naming is right. plastic class sounds actually pretty neat.  ABS is a polymer made up of those three compounds repeated in essentially one big chain. Actually quite an interesting structure.  Not without it's own problems, but extremely useful in modern society.  (theoldman is right it's literally all around you electronics, cars, toys, even some packaging) 
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)

BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere.

You can't tell most retro gamers anything!

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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #103 on: April 29, 2014, 05:12:29 AM »
I'd be too busy making plastic cocks to take plastic class seriously.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Do you plan on buying Atlantean on a card?
« Reply #104 on: April 29, 2014, 10:19:34 AM »
ABS is pretty tough stuff.  Its used for a lot of plastic cases for things.

I remember learning about ABS in plastics class in high school, from stands for ack-rill-lonny-tril (lol) butadene (lol pt 2) styrene, yes?

All I can remember is what it stood for, if that's even it. Wowzers. That class was actually fun. I miss embedding random stuffs in plastic to make keychains and what-have-you.


Your naming is right. plastic class sounds actually pretty neat.  ABS is a polymer made up of those three compounds repeated in essentially one big chain. Actually quite an interesting structure.  Not without it's own problems, but extremely useful in modern society.  (theoldman is right it's literally all around you electronics, cars, toys, even some packaging)

Yay! I rememmed correctoh!

Also, interesting, alot.

I'd be too busy making plastic cocks to take plastic class seriously.

A kid in class did this, topped it off with jiggly eyes and a smile, totally got in trouble. lol