I don't get what all the fuss is about. There were a couple minor errors made, nothing fatal. Both sides of this issue are trying to hash out how to go about making themselves and each other "square" in their own minds. It's a little messy, but sometimes stuff just is. Not sure why ProfProf is frothing at the mouth over this in his usual, overblown fashion. Just need something to rant about occasionally or something?
Maybe you missed the part about trying to give Bernie the shake down for extra cash, the deception about being a flipper for large profits, or the obvious lies about the nephew. If you think attempting a shake down is "hashing it out", then I don't know what to tell you....
Also, don't confuse frothing at the mouth verbal violence with trolling a$$holes. There is a clear difference. Guy wanted to be a dick, he got curb stomped with a bit of hard core trolling. Seriously, you are not that new to the internet, you should be able to tell the difference by now......
Also, stop trying to ruin everyone's fun here. f*cking Debbie Downers, I swear....