I'll add more as I go through my stuffs. PC-Engine stuffs will be posted in the PCE sales thread. Had a job lined up, that fell through. So, selling off stuffs to pay bills - blah blah, yadda yadda.
TG Express (SOLD): Works, but I haven't used it in couple of years. Need to get some batteries and test it out. No batteries yet, but here are some pics and a description:
www.pcedev.net/for_sale/express/ . Over all condition is pretty good. A few minor dings on the volume side, and one scratch right below the select button (on the bottom edge/lip). The screen glass is in great condition (no scuffs or scratches), but there is a single tiny pit in the lower area. About the size of a 0.005 pen point (if you draw/ink). The camera won't pick it up, so I can't show it. There's no AC adapter or any other cables. The battery cover is intact. No bend springs or clips. The on/off green switch at the top, has a small cross groove in it (you can see it in the pics). The face/front of the unit is in excellent condition; no scratches or scuffing. The silk mark lettering is excellent with no fading. Still need a video of the unit playing games. $70+ shipping, assuming everything else checks out.
CD system card 2.0: Pretty good condition. loose. $8+shipping. Pics on inquiry.
Soldier Blade
(SOLD): Box, plastic, manual, sleeve, and hucard. It's a little beat up. Pics:
www.pcedev.net/for_sale/soldierblade/make offer (~might~ put this on the evil bay. Sorry guys - paying bills is high priority)
Neutopia 2
(SOLD): Box, plastic, manual, sleeve, and hucard. This one is pretty beat up. Pics:
http://www.pcedev.net/for_sale/n2/make offer (offer pending).
(SOLD): I have just the cardboard box for Sidearms. It's in ok condition. $8? Post pics later
Dragon Slayer
(SOLD); complete with case, manual, map, and CD. Manual has water damage (son split his drink when he was playing the game) and has quite a bit of wear. The map has a quite a bit of wear as well, and starting to come apart at the two middle seams. The CD is in good condition; mostly micro scuffs (playable; I've beaten the game many times over the years from this CD). Case is so so; lots of micro scratches. Will post pics later.
Probably $45+shipping.
Loose hucards:
Jackie Chan
(SOLD): Excellent condition. No case or manual. $30? I'll post pics later
Jackie Chan
(SOLD) #2: worn condition. Really worn... just the hucard. $7+shipping
Bonk's Revenge
(SOLD): worn, but mostly lots of micro scuffs (and one scratch through the title of the card). Back side is really scuffed up and stained/dirty. Manual is ok - mostly creases. No case. $7+shipping
Super Star Solder
(SOLD): ~really~ worn condition. Works though. $8+shipping
Dungeon Explorer
(SOLD): Average condition? Mostly a lot of micro scuffs. Manual too (canadian version) - good condition. No case. $8+shipping
Alien Crush
(SOLD): Hucard, great condition. Manual; pretty good condition. Lower case: decent, but the tab is broken that holds the hucard. Door: crappy with scuffs/worn, but no cracks. Hucard sleeve: err good? $7+shipping
Cyber Core
(SOLD): Hucard, great condition. Manual; pretty good condition. Lower case: good condition, no broken tabs. Door: average with scuffs/worn, but no cracks. No hucard sleeve. $11+shipping
(SOLD): Hucard in good condition. Manual; crease down the middle and some ripples. Lower case: hucard tab isn't broken, label is ok, some glue residue inside the hucard area (
). Door is cracked, but still together. Sleeve: Tinted..that's the best explanation I can give. $12+shipping.
TG16 with Booster (not booster plus)
(SOLD). Pretty good condition. No AC adapter or gamepad.
I'll update with more stuffs later (still more stuffs)