I like totally stumbled upon a US Turbo Duo pad. Well, actually it was given to me by a friendo that owed/still owes me stuff/mons because of a trade from a long time ago. Yay!
It's in pretty decent shape, maybe a little dusty, but that's okay, right? I tested it the other day for a while playing Mergical Chasu and Cyber-Core, seemed to work just fine.
I figured someone here would want it more than me since I don't have a US Duo, just a PC Duo-R.
What I'm looking for like alot is/are the manuals to Samurai Ghost and Neutopia II, I've also kinda been wanting an Avenue Pad 6 or whatevs, maybe trade this thing for like some uncommon games or a few commons mix-matched with a controller, idk, just throwing ideas out there.
Here's my thing that says stuff I have already and junk:
http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/595/show-collection.htm If you have issues, just login and look for member: IAmHail I'm on the last page.
Okay, so like say stuff at my face or somewhere in that direction and maybe things can happen. Yay!
