Author Topic: [SOLD] For Trade: US TurboDuo Controller Pad Pad Pad Thingy Dingy Do-Oh. :3  (Read 688 times)


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I like totally stumbled upon a US Turbo Duo pad. Well, actually it was given to me by a friendo that owed/still owes me stuff/mons because of a trade from a long time ago. Yay!

It's in pretty decent shape, maybe a little dusty, but that's okay, right? I tested it the other day for a while playing Mergical Chasu and Cyber-Core, seemed to work just fine.

I figured someone here would want it more than me since I don't have a US Duo, just a PC Duo-R.

What I'm looking for like alot is/are the manuals to Samurai Ghost and Neutopia II, I've also kinda been wanting an Avenue Pad 6 or whatevs, maybe trade this thing for like some uncommon games or a few commons mix-matched with a controller, idk, just throwing ideas out there.

Here's my thing that says stuff I have already and junk: If you have issues, just login and look for member: IAmHail I'm on the last page.

Okay, so like say stuff at my face or somewhere in that direction and maybe things can happen. Yay!


« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 03:32:26 PM by HailingTheThings »


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And I thought I posted big pics.  :)


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It's not often someone takes the time to post pics of enough quality to identify individual atoms.  8)


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And I thought I posted big pics.  :)

I Kinda wanted people to be able to see the details of the controller and stuff and junk and stuff and junk. :3

It's not often someone takes the time to post pics of enough quality to identify individual atoms.  8)


Android? Easy image resize app, then androFTP or whatever to your image host.

from my pc, perhaps I should have re-sized first, but oh well, welcome to weinerville.

P.s. The US turbo duo pad and tap are the same as the JP ones. Also, your PCE Daisakusen link is bad.

I might be interested If you don't get any bites on your more sought after items. I've got a controller fetish and wish to own one of each kind. Will check back with you tomorrow.

I'm aware of the same size thing, was just thinking that someone would want this more than me, ya know?

The link's bad? Eff, me try teh fix.

I really wish I could get one the two manuals, but not likely I'm sure. Probably going to have to buy both of those games again and trade someone the extra HuCards. Totally check back and stuff, perhaps no one else will want my lonely Duo controller.... wah wah wah. :3

Hails. \m/


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Also, your PCE Daisakusen link is bad.

I tried to fix it. Is there a way to link it for people that don't have an account there? I wonder/am not good at things, apparently. Anyways, I updated stuff. Just look for member: IAmHail.


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Aww, thank you!!! I just modified it, everything's cool now, yay!

:3 \m/


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Cool, I'd like to link to my small collection, too. My name on PCEdaisakusen is ClodBuster, just as it is here. Is there any way of getting my hands on that link without nagging anybody? ;)
EDIT: Nevermind, I found it by using the memberlist. I think this should work:
EDIT2: Oh well, I'm sorry for spamming in your sales thread. :(
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 06:04:34 AM by ClodBuster »

They tried to make me do a recap
I said no, no, no


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lol, I'm interested in the controller.  Did you want any non-OBEY type things for trade?

I can try to dig around and make a list of some games that I'd like to trade for that sweet Duo controller.


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Cool, I'd like to link to my small collection, too. My name on PCEdaisakusen is ClodBuster, just as it is here. Is there any way of getting my hands on that link without nagging anybody? ;)
EDIT: Nevermind, I found it by using the memberlist. I think this should work:
EDIT2: Oh well, I'm sorry for spamming in your sales thread. :(

It's cool. :3

lol, I'm interested in the controller.  Did you want any non-OBEY type things for trade?

I can try to dig around and make a list of some games that I'd like to trade for that sweet Duo controller.

I'd like Obey stuffs, but depending on what non-Obey stuffs you got, perhaps? What did you have in mind, like what is the bulk of your non-Obey? Got a Pocky and Rocky on SNES? lol
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 05:45:24 PM by HailingTheThings »


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lol, I'm interested in the controller.

Still interested?


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Re: For Trade: US TurboDuo Controller Pad Pad Pad Thingy Dingy Do-Oh. :3
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2014, 10:06:47 AM »
I'm tempted to offer one of my Ave pad 6 controllers because I have no friends to play against, and would probably lose if I did. But at the same time, in a year or two my twins might like it and Ave pad 6 will be $5k by then. So torn...

Jash, make the decision easy for me. Make a deal. Mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew.... whiiiiiiicka..... whiiiiiiiiiiiiicka.... whiiiiiikchraaaaaaaallllllph.  Sorry hairball.

Wah wah wah. Still haven't heard anything from that guy. If he doesn't speak up soon, perhaps we can make a a different kind of deal if you don't want to part with your beloved Avenue 6 pad(s). How good are you at scanning/printing?


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Re: For Trade: US TurboDuo Controller Pad Pad Pad Thingy Dingy Do-Oh. :3
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2014, 10:31:04 PM »


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LOL, I'm sorry.  I'm really dumb.

If Null wants the controller, he should go for it.  I wasn't able to get to looking through my stuff I'd want to trade.  congrats on the transaction!


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LOL, I'm sorry.  I'm really dumb.

If Null wants the controller, he should go for it.  I wasn't able to get to looking through my stuff I'd want to trade.  congrats on the transaction!

It's okayssss

Traded Mr. Hailing an Ave 6 because I suck at fighting games and if I continued to own 2 of them, I would at some point be challenged by a human and suffer a complete and humiliating defeat.  This way, SFII stays a 1 player game in my house (as it should be).

That's hilarious. :3 Good jobbessss


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Purrrdy little hearts!

Traded Mr. Hailing an Ave 6 because I suck at fighting games and if I continued to own 2 of them, I would at some point be challenged by a human and suffer a complete and humiliating defeat.  This way, SFII stays a 1 player game in my house (as it should be).
Nice, then you can let your SFII opponent play with the 2 button controller to give you a needed advantage. :lol: 

Years ago my friends and I used to play SFII on the Genesis with 3 button controllers since we couldn't afford those fancy 6 button  It's definitely a challenge trying to do the standard Punch/Kick combos.  Fun memories.