I post when I have something I can help with.... Not always public though...
It will not be cheap but I know someone who has one sealed..... Contact me if you are interested...
thats way too expensive...wondering for how much the game goes over there in japan?
it's at minimum 150 bucks over here. tendentially to $200+.
I'll make the secret public:Madou Monogatari (New) £245 (280, 270, 260, 250)
Here you go.... Make an offer to this guy....Has sold alot of his turbo stuff on e-bay...http://www.ebay.com/itm/MADOU-MONOGATARI-PC-Engine-Import-Turbografx-Duo-Arcade-CD-USA-Seller-/291150195278?pt=Video_Games_Games&hash=item43c9e76a4e