hmmm, I remember reading about the hidden Bomberman game... in a few places. Granted, I was a TurboNerd, but I thought it was "relatively well-known" knowledge, even back then. However, I don't know if the average person would have known about Bomberman if they hadn't read something in a magazine...
When the launch of the Duo was being promoted, a few magazines mentioned that there was a bonus game on the pack-in CD -- it was probably mentioned in the TTi press release / promotional material (which magazines simply regurgitate, even today
... Remember we had a thread here (a year or more ago?) and I said that "Welcome to the Next Level" was not one of Sega's memorable marketing campaigns? Well, actually, it
was memorable because I thought "Welcome to the next level" was catchy, kool, and the proper image for Sega to promote. Concept = A. Unfortuantely, the
execution of many of these ads was pretty lame and boring (especially compared to their prior marketing successes). Execution = C. I linked to some of my favorite Turbo ads in that old thread... I think they still hold up surprisingly well today.
... Johnny Turbo rules! Seriously, it was goofy as hell when it was released (definitely
not kool), but it really is something to treasure now. I'm not kidding, it really has a LOT OF PERSONALITY and a surprising amount of DEPTH for being 3 mini-comics! Most ads / promotions
can't compare to the JT campaign. There are so many wonderful things packed into the JT comics... I find the whole JT universe pretty neat.
That said, JT certainly didn't help the image of TurboDuo... (TTi would have been better off creating a "kool" mini-comic for Dungeon Explorer, or Lords of Thunder... even if said comic was generic, average Joe Gamer would have thought that it was "pretty cool").
At the end of the day, I'm happier that TTi went with JT -- becuase it really is a wonderful, unique moment in marketing / gaming history.
Oh yeah, Black_Tiger -- Great scans !!!!