Grettings all I am new to these forums and in some ways new to the PC engine as wel.
I'd say I first got started with possibly my best Craigslist haul ever, a turbografx 16 and about 8 hu card games for $35 dollars about two years ago. Splater house, a puzzle box game (my stuff is in storage so I can't look at the exact games), legendary axe 1 & 2, bonk 1 & 2 and a few others.
Originally I was there to buy his NES collection (500 plus games) for $200 but I was litterly 15 minutes late. What he did have left was his turbo Grafix and what where clearly once rental games. The guy looked to be at a loss as no one he showed it to knew what it was or wanted it. Well I did, and have enjoyed it since.
I have picked up a few other games here and there, and just last weekend won on eBay two of engines already region modes and RGB out. These will now become my primary systems to use. Why two? One for back it was under $300 including shipping..,I am slightly weary as it is a china seller ( not to be that guy but it is the land of the bootleg).
I also have a turbo duo (caps need replacing as the sound is iffy at best at times) and a turbo cd (sadly doesn't work, no spiny the diskey).
I plan to continue my hu card fetish and venture more into the cd games as wel....mostly pick up import games for the more pricy and rare us games as they seem to be shooters and no real knowledge of Japanies is needed....
I just thought I'd drop in now that I know of this Comunity and say hi.
I am still compiling my list of must haves for the system, and just here to enjoy the Comunity the ride and possibly to learn a little more then I did before.
I know many will areasy say ditch the turbo duo and for for the better Japanies counter part but I have a soft spit for the us version....why? Because it was something as a kid I never had but a slightly older and douchy cousin now I finally have it....when I poped in Bonk memories came flooded back and I have to say the pc engine is a colorfull fun and entertaining system muddled in its 8-16 but hybrid world.
Hopefully my wife and I find a house soon so I can take the bulks of my gaming collection out of storage and enjoy them again...and hopefully have that man cave I have been pinning for for the past 4 years lol.