I apologize for the delay in pricing. When listed the prices will be firm. The reason why is because I am listing them for what I paid. Some may be below market value, others will be at, and above market price. Hopefully some of you will be able to get games that you want. Whatever doesn't sell will be put up for auction. I would still rather trade for what I need below. The prices are gifted if not add 4%. Shipping is not included. Thanks!
Magical Chase
Aero Blasters cic SOLD
Air Zonk (manual & hucard) SOLD
Alien Crush cic SOLD
Alien Crush (hucard only) SOLD
Alien Crush (manual & hucard) $10
Andre Panza Kick Boxing cic SOLD
Ballistix cic $27
Battle Royale cic $15
Blazing Lazers cic SOLD
Bloody Wolf cic SOLD
Bomberman cic SOLD
Bomberman ’93 (hucard only) SOLD
Bonk’s Adventure (hucard only) SOLD
Bonk 3 (manual & hucard) SOLD
Bravoman cib SOLD
Bravoman cic $24.50
Cadash cib SOLD
Cadash cic SOLD
Champions Forever Boxing cic SOLD
Chase H.Q. (box only) SOLD
Chew-Man-Fu cic SOLD
China Warrior cic SOLD
Cratermaze cic $17 SOLD
Darkwing Duck (manual & hucard) SOLD
Darkwing Duck (hucard only) $81
Davis Cup Tennis cic SOLD
Dead Moon (manual & hucard) SOLD
Deep Blue cic SOLD
Devil’s Crush cic SOLD
Double Dungeons cic SOLD
Dragon's Curse cic SOLD
Dragon Spirit cic SOLD
Dragon Spirit (hucard only)
Dungeon Explorer cic SOLD
Falcon cib (no plastic tray) SOLD
Final Lap Twin cic SOLD
Galaga ’90 cic $34
Gunboat cic SOLD
Hit the Ice (hucard only) $14
Hit the Ice (manual, hucard & replacement case) SOLD
Impossamole cic SOLD
Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf cic SOLD
J.J. & Jeff cic SOLD
Keith Courage in Alpha Zones cic SOLD
King of Casino cic SOLD
King of Casino (manual only) $5
Klax cic SOLD
Legendary Axe, The cic SOLD
Legendary Axe II, The cic SOLD
Legend of Hero Tonma (hucard only) SOLD
Magical Chase (hucard only) SOLD
Military Madness cic SOLD
Moto Roader cic
Moto Roader (hucard only) SOLD
New Adventure Island (manual & hucard) SOLD
Ninja Spirit cic SOLD
Ninja Spirit (manual & hucard) SOLD
Neutopia cic SOLD
Neutopia II (manual & hucard) SOLD
Night creatures cic SOLD
Night Creatures (manual and case, no hucard)
Order of the Griffon (manual and hucard) $65
Ordyne cic SOLD
Ordyne cic (spine label missing) $36
Pac-Land cic SOLD
Parasol Stars cic SOLD
Power Golf cib (no styrofoam insert)
Power Golf cic SOLD
Power Golf (hucard only) SOLD
Psychosis cic $33
R-Type cic $60.50
Shock Man (hucard only) SOLD
Sidearms cic $21.50
Silent Debuggers cic
Sinistron cib $150
Sinistron cic SOLD
Sonic Spike cic SOLD
Space Harrier cic SOLD
Splatterhouse cic SOLD
Super Star Soldier cic SOLD
Super Volleyball cic SOLD
Takin’ it to the Hoop (case and hucard) SOLD
Takin’ it to the Hoop cic SOLD
Takin’ it to the Hoop cic (no plastic hucard cover) SOLD
Takin' it to the hoop (hucard only) SOLD
Tale Spin cic SOLD
Tiger Road cic SOLD
Timeball cic SOLD
Tricky Kick cic SOLD
Tricky Kick (manual only) SOLD
TV Sports Basketball cic SOLD
TV Sports Basketball (hucard only) SOLD
TV Sports Football cic SOLD
TV Sports Hockey cic SOLD
Veigues Tactical Gladiator cic SOLD
Veigues Tactical Gladiator (manual only) SOLD
Victory Run cic SOLD
Victory Run cic (no plastic hucard slip) $12
Vigilante cic $27
World Class Baseball cic SOLD
World Court Tennis cic SOLD
World Court Tennis (hucard only) SOLD
World Sports Competition (manual and hucard) SOLD
Yo Bro cic SOLD