My biggest problem with the youtube game reviews in general is that it is just some 30 year old in his mom's basement and a webcam talking about a game that they liked on the fly. Worse is that charisma is in real short supply with these people. Clearly not many of them see the sun much.
I like Spida1a cause I don't have to see him. Why do we have to see any of these trolls (not in a Tommy Vercetti kinda way) anyway? Seriously, if the game is that damn good then show it! We don't need to see your translucently pale face garble up an unscripted video love letter to the game. At least gamesack, scripts their videos but still. Who really wants to look at either of those two at all? They got the kind of expressionless faces only a mother could love. I can actually envision them filming in one of their basements and finishing up wondering if anyone wants to see their videos and mom overhears:
"Oh, I think you make lovely videos, boys. I bet the whole world wants to see them."
"Gee, ya think, ma?"
"Oh, yes. How could they not? Now have some rice krispie treats and tang before you feed the cats."
Then there are awful videos like the ArthurDwolf ones. Why am I listening to your atrocious accent while you play an everdrive? Why make (terrible) videos from a flash cart?!
Metal jesus falls under the first category but also We need to address the names of some of these people. "Metal Jesus"? I used to be Christian and would have found his name blasphemously offensive. Now I am an athiest and can't help but find his choice in name to just be laughably ill-informed. Maybe he has viewers that aren't either of those but that means the name Jesus has no real meaning. ...Also his metal sucks as much as his dopy pale Kay (the twit brother from Disney's Sword in the Stone) face.
AVGN is different. His videos are about his reaction and not so much about the game. I find him to be hysterical at times but wearing thin on game insults at this point. Maybe that is why he hasn't gotten into turbo yet. What else could it be, right? I mean the turbo library has every bit as many cold turds as it does masterpieces.