So the new Girl Ghostbusters is out, was wondering if anybody here is interested in seeing it ?
There has been a lot of shenanigans around this movie, sadly. Basically, after they put out 2 shitty trailers that were 100% horrible/unfunny and the criticism followed, they decided to hide behind general sexism and portray this as an underdog fighting against the "brutes" of the Internet. They got political, accused critics of being Trump voters (
a way to use the movie to defeat his candidacy and objectively alienate half the country in stupid fashion), and Angry Video Game Nerd was targeted and attacked as a "soft sexist" (
he's a sexist because we say so, even if he doesn't know it!) for simply stating he'll refuse to see/review it.
I'll give it a chance when it comes out on video, but based on those trailers and all the shenanigans, I wouldn't spend a penny on it. It'll be interesting to see what the box office results of this are though.
Anyway, if somebody sees it, I wanted to hear what you think, cause yeah, it sure didn't look good from those trailers! It's their job to sell a movie with a trailer, and based on those 2 trailers, they have mostly themselves to blame not AVGN and whatever other bullshit they wanna hide behind.
- Contrast of how Star Wars fans were treated versus GB fans.