Yes, the Turbo Everdrive. It is such a reasonably priced product and it would open up the library, but....
One of my other hobbies is collecting arcade games. Every collector, at one time or another, builds a MAME cabinet which gives you access to thousands upon thousands of games. I built one early into the hobby, for example. Years past; it got a lot of use at first but having that many games on tap cheapened the experience somehow. One of my proudest decisions was to go through the trouble of turning it back into an arcade game again, now a SFII Championship Edition cab.
I know the Turbo Everdrive is different. Real code, real hardware, no game play differences whatsoever. I just can't get behind the idea in my head. I still find value in even loose original HuCards (or carts for other systems), I like the idea that these things have been around since the early 1990s when the system was new. They have survived all this time, they have a history in themselves.
These CHucards are great though. They only play one game, the costs are good, they still scratch my collector's itch, and they are good placeholders for the real thing until the market calms down or a good deal on an original comes up.
I also have not gotten a diveboard converter or any PCE hardware, so it would be a good way for me to play Coryoon. And...chop5 is cool beans.