I have a chance to pick up bravoman under 20.00 and I'm wondering if anyone has played it or their thoughts on the game.
The biggest problem with Bravoman for me is there's just too much of it. After you play through a dozen or so stages, you get it. All the stages seem to repeat (though I've never beaten it, maybe there's some awesome unique stuff at the end). The voice samples I thought were cool back when I first got it and they don't really bother me to this day. I understand how they could get on your nerves though.
There's a lot of good here too though! It's been a while since I played it, but the music I remember being pretty awesome, though I should admit I only remember one track.
I think the gameplay is solid. The control is good both in the platforming and shooter stages. The game has lots of personality. I still grin thinking about "Hello I'm a Japanese telephone box".
You can beat up your buddy who just wants to help too. I thought the graphics were outstanding BITD. Wikipedia says this came out in 1990, I'm not sure when I first played it, but I still think it has some great parallax. Yeah, there's flicker, but it looks pretty good.
Bravoman hasn't historically been an expensive game. I think $20 for a complete copy is well worth it. I doubt you'll beat it, but I've gotten far more than $20 worth of entertainment out of that game.