Look at GnG, the SGX is the best home version (i do not count the x68000) , and use the syndical minimum of the SGX hardware .
The VDC vram are empty, and don't use all the SGX capabilities because of hucard limitations .
Aldynes, nothing fabulous, a simple use of the SGX second sprite layer and 2nd bckgnd layer, but IMO, is graphically poor in background department, because of hucard limitations .
1941 is the best for me, all VDC are full of datas,the game is full of sprites (with different patterns), and there is some backgrounds animations, i thing there are some heavy compression on it for pulling all that things on Hucard .
Even PCE is very limited by Hucard space, why sapphire use SCD+AC ??, why NG conversions do the same ??, why SF2 is only a 20 MB card ?? ..
The SGX capbilities, is not only a 2nd background layer + 64 sprites, it's also 64 ko of vram for more détailled backgrounds and animations .