It's exactly like the standard Turbografx style case
I see. I assume you modeled the door as well, then. I have found that different 'stock' cd cases have slightly different positions for various things, like the half-moon booklet holders...and of course the door pins <sigh>. That's partly why we went with a 3 piece case.
The only problem with using Shapeways....
Yes, I know. That's why we don't have the trays available for sale

FWIW, We can print them for about $5 in materials; they just take a hellava long time, and the corners tend to warp if you don't watch them closely at the start of printing. I'm hoping to get a bigger bed printer for XMas, and do a rails replacement so it can print faster....
Maybe 2015 will be the year we can replicate everything turbo

(Got a design for the controller housing? That's next on my list. I've seen schematics for the electronics/board, and would probably use actual switches rather than those rubber pads.)