My TurboDuo project is progressing and I have been looking at release lists for the North American TG16 CD. I found that I have a lot of the good-inexpensive games already, and continuing to hack away at the remaing releases looks really slow going. This leaves the import selection which I have heard is quite good.
Please recommend some games for the beginning importer that do not have a high language barrier to figure out how to play and have fun.
For example, I understand Compile made some shooters for it that are up to their usual stellar work I've experienced on the SMS, NES, Genesis, and SNES. Is it...Spriggan? And there is a sequel too?
I know next to nothing, really. I own two imports: Dracula X and a shooter called Rayxanber 2 that came loose. Even some good reading material would help if someone has a favorite link or two.