So I have a tg16 I modded with a status light and s-video ect and wanted to swap to a pc engine for my first region mod ect ( I just love the foot print of this thing) I successfully region modded it with the twin multiplexers and a toggle switch added stereo with 2 100 uf caps at 16 volts and then went to the s-video mod. I have removed the resistor that combines the luma to chroma lines so I can bypass the pf filter cap (don't care to have composite) I used the same 3904 npn and 220 ohm resistor I used in the tg16 and I noticed right off that I have a checkerboard pattern in the color on my tv. I have a samsung lcd I play most of my consoles on if that helps, I went back to see if maybe I had some interference from an audio line coming through or something. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem or if it's something else. Just checked and it's nearly unnoticeable on a s-video crt.Also TG16 does not have this checkerboard pattern.