^ all great points! thick skin, roll with it, stay on topic of threads, don't flame or curse and last but not least, ignore all negative posts from the "regular" members here because they do that to test and provoke you into trolling.
Do all that and as a new member your time spent here won't be so distasteful.
oh and how about f*ck you all!!!!!! go f*ck yourselves!!! and your mothers!!!!
I see u got mod involved to remove a standard member.
How about a f*ck YOU!!!! I will remove my account myself! Losers!!!! u didn't remove me!!! Go roT in hell in your Pathetic forum!!!! I hope u choke to death!!!!

Yeah, thank you for reminding the psycho of his past! Lest somebody actually take his Psycho Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde routine seriously!
I PM'ed him a polite, but perhaps curt message to lighten up, understand nullity's sarcasm a bit better, and the nutjob responded with a death wish, OBVIOUSLY I provoked it and his quick temper had to give way... Now he's in here trying to play up the victimhood mentality and cry cry about treatment of new hecklers, err, members, the same damn mantra we see here for years, etc.
I will contact police to check this forum out. You are all dangerous and troubled losers.
So now you will finally remove your account ? kthxbye!
oh and how about f--k you all!!!!!! go f--k yourselves!!! and your mothers!!!!
How about a F--K YOU!!!! I will remove my account myself! Losers!!!! Go roT in hell in your Pathetic forum!!!! I hope u choke to death!!!!
To NightWolve: I hope u die soon mate. very soon.
Psycho "Tommy" creeping back into "normal" posting activity pretending none of all of the above just happened...
Look, this guy is beyond contradictory, dishonest, hypocritical, and already burned his bridges, etc. He's psycho! Claims we're HORRIBLE people, threatens to leave in protest, doesn't, threatens to "report us to the police," doesn't, claims wmac is a REAL member (conversely, we're "fakes"), wmac, the guy that made clear he's just a business account here to make money off of us and avoid eBay fees, treat a discussion gaming forum as an extension of eBay, etc. He's got the psycho aggressive reseller defender bug up his butt to boot, the same way DarkKobold introduced himself to us. I've seen how the Turbo Gouging thread gets resellers REALLY butthurt firsthand from a chatroom way back.
We're no-life losers, just horrible, horrible people, it's a rotten, pathetic forum, but he STILL wants to hang around here, at least, that appears to be the case since he reversed himself in defiance... Seriously, GTFO already - stand by your words! You don't deserve any sort of sympathy after all your nonsense, psycho! YOU brought a bunch of YOUR OWN HATE, you psycho death-wishing hypocrite! Another theme of yours, "
I'm not the hater, YOU YOU YOU ARE!" It's just retarded getting lectured by this nutjob.