hey sparky... just a reminder im still keen, but only when you are ready no pressure from my end... i can even wait until the MC box is ready, whatever works for you
I have 2 saved for you man, and a pile of other pieces.
I will get everything together this weekend for ya as I am caught up.
The MC box will be sometime in October I am hoping so if you want to wait some more but just so you know I have been putting stuff aside for ya. I will get this moving and will chat on pms.
Yes, PMS is a serious problem that requires a lengthy discussion.
Also, Mister Sparky, Sir, Magical Chase box + full manual would make for a killer bundle. Hmm? Hmm? *nudge, nudge - wink-wink*
*effing catface*
PS Seriously, holy butts, please consider, I'll throw money at you and stuff. :3