What were you asking for the C64? I've been looking for a good priced system to mess around with. Always wanted one, though not sure why...
Since finding working software is getting harder and its near impossible to transfer images to real media it seems rather pointless to own, but I still want one.
Can't help that I'm a retard.
Well it's a bit dicey because the C64 is the Commodore 64C (the better one), but it has the old sound chip (also the better one).
They're like 100$.
I'm trying to sell it and the mouse + froppy drive (1571 with box but no styrofoam) all together for 150$.
The Computer itself typically goes for between 100-130$ boxed.
I hook my other drive up to my computer in the rare cases where I want to play a C64 game. So , the real hardware can go f*ck itself. NEED MORE MSXES